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Everything posted by Dude

  1. Pretty video, nice soundtrack. Not sure what it proves, but......
  2. Ah, this is great. It singlehandedly reverses the warming of the polar ice caps, it's suddenly cooling the ocean instead of warming it, there will be less hurricanes going forward thanks to a single disorganized scientist with a messy desk. It may not repopulate the world of all the species that we are driving into extinction, but that isn't such a bad thing, right? We can all get used to eating carp, after all.
  3. Dude


    This is a crazy occurrence of life imitating art imitating life: http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/babylonbeyond/2010/02/a-couple-weeks-ago-babylon-beyond-reported-on-controversial-comparison-between-the-plight-of-palestinians-living-under-isra.html
  4. Some guy died, and stuff. Between the luge accident and one of the spires for the Olympic Cauldron not coming up for a painful, awkward ten minutes while Gretsky and Nash stood there with painful, forced smiles, before they finally decided to just go with the three spires, I'm officially branding this Olympics as Glitchy.
  5. How does the flying saucer over the White House play into all of this? How 'bout the Freemason-y dollar bill pyramid McCain's wearing? Pretty Da Vinci Code-esque, if you ask me. No good crackpot theory worth its weight in message forum kilobytes should ignore the pyramid on the dollar bill, after all. It's a symbol of evil rich men trying to destroy this country that they - wait, the guys who created the symbol on the dollar founded this country! Imagine that. And they were already in collusion to destroy it!
  6. Not sure, but the revolution will not be.
  7. Can any of the Amero mindset explain this to me?
  8. If there really are Ameros, I hope they aren't as crappy / cheap looking as this. I mean, surely a global conspiracy can do better in the coin design department:
  9. If Michael Moore can be accused of being a conspiracy theorist nut for pointing out the strange relationships between the Bush family, the bin Laden clan, the Saudis, Haliburton, Saddam, etc., prior to 9/11, then I guess the term is fair game when dealing with people who literally think the world is being taken over by a monolithic socialist empire who happens to also really hate oil.
  10. I take it back, the TV weatherman is responsible for this rant: http://www.kusi.com/weather/colemanscorner/38574742.html Maybe being named John Coleman dooms you to be a conspiracy nut?
  11. He thinks the Weather Channel founder wrote that paper, though, when it was clearly the crazed conspiracy dude.
  12. You're confusing two John Colemans, dude. Here's the one-world government guy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Coleman_(author) John Coleman (born 1935) is an author and analyst of world affairs. He is a former British Intelligence Officer for MI6[citation needed] who has written several books and numerous papers analysing the power structure of the world. He argues that a relatively small group of people - whom he calls 'The Committee of 300' - constitute a ruling elite who are pursuing a goal of one-world government. Dr Coleman's books have been influential among more well known cons
  13. If the alternative fuel sources are homegrown and not dependent on foreign nations to fairly charge us a lower price and not artificially raise it like OPEC has done for 30+ years, then what's the harm? There's a much higher risk that oil cartels will artificially raise the price of oil than any carbon tax would. Think about it. A flat tax on a gallon of gas would raise it ten cents, but OPEC could cut production and raise the price of gas to be over $4 a gallon, and has done so in the past.
  14. As anyone who lives in the colder regions can tell you, it is actually a bit warmer when it snows. Warm air holds more moisture, when it's really cold, the air is incredibly dry. If it were really a cold winter (30-50 below wind chills, etc.) it would result in more bitter cold periods with no snow which we haven't seen this winter. Warmer air = the ability for the air to hold more moisture = bigger dumps of snow when it does indeed snow. But to a simple-minded caveman, more snow equals more cold, equals Al Gore is wrong, etc. Here's a great, slightly scary graph of weather-related electri
  15. Aw no way, the orangeness makes the shirt.
  16. Lawrence of Euphoria - http://www.beck.com/record_club I think Steve Miller's drummer called Glenn asking for his "Swingtown" beat back.
  17. Interesting story on how that came together: http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/showtracker/2010/02/jay-leno-joins-david-letterman-in-super-bowl-promo-for-cbs-late-show.html
  18. Alright, this is just comical now: Young also maintains that Edwards had also asked him to arrange a fake a paternity test. "Get a doctor to fake the DNA results," Young said Edwards told him. "And he asked me ... to steal a diaper from the baby so he could secretly do a DNA test to find out if this [was] indeed his child." Young said he ignored the requests.
  19. http://abcnews.go.com/2020/John_Edwards_Scandal/john-edwards-made-sex-tape-abortion-plea-aide/story?id=9680626&page=2 Young claims that Edwards even called upon him in late May 2007 to convince Hunter to terminate her pregnancy. "The senator tried to convince her to have an abortion. ... He tried to convince me to convince Rielle to have an abortion," Young told Woodruff. "She [Hunter] asked me if I were in her shoes what would I do. And if I said, 'I'm pro-choice, but after having had three kids, if you're asking me what I would do, no, I would not do it,'" Young recalled of his con
  20. Even Dave Matthews gets dragged into it. If you're stupid and shallow enough to plan a wedding with a future spouse while your current one is dying of cancer, I suppose Dave is the best you can come up with: Dave Matthews on playing fantasy wedding of John Edwards and Rielle Hunter: Um, I don't think so BY NEIL NAGRAJ DAILY NEWS STAFF WRITER What would Dave Matthews say if asked to play a wedding between John Edwards and Rielle Hunter? "He didn’t ask me," Matthews says, but if he had, "I would make a fair bet that I would have said no to such an offer." "Or, I would have charged him s
  21. And just when you've thought we've seen it all, Edwards even has his own sex tape: Judge wants Edwards sex tape 'under lock and key' By Mike Baker, Associated Press Writer PITTSBORO, N.C. — A judge wants to put a sex tape of two-time presidential candidate John Edwards "under lock and key," demanding Friday that a former aide to the pilloried politician turn over the video by next week. Superior Court Judge Abraham Penn Jones reprimanded Andrew Young during a brief court hearing in North Carolina for not surrendering the video when deputies went to retrieve it last week. Jones declared tha
  22. Great news. I plan on attending both shows.
  23. Charlie Chaplin - The Great Dictator John Frankenheimer - The Manchurian Candidate Costa Gavras - Z DW Griffith - Birth of a Nation Jean Luc Godard - political films throughout his career Campaign Movies - The Candidate with Redford, Bob Roberts with Robbins, maybe even some lighter fare like The American President / Primary Colors / Dave / Bulworth or something thought-provoking like Levinson's Wag the Dog? These are all one scene-worthy I suppose. Maybe something from Mr. Smith Goes to Washington?
  24. Putting all the JT stalker humor aside, how does one request a surprise party and actually be surprised when it happens?
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