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Everything posted by Dude

  1. Dude


    It's an old story told in a very new, fresh and exciting way (IMHO). Some people complain that the story is old, but all stories are old, everything has already been done in one form or another. Avatar to me is a bit like an Episode I - III Star Wars movie if it was well written, emotionally compelling and had characters that I actually gave a shit about.
  2. Dude

    Miami Show

    Based on this, the Orrchestra level has seats and the Pit is all standing. I'm assuming that all GA tickets get you into both areas, it seems like it would be too much of a pain to police people going from the orchestra into the pit area:
  3. Yeah, thank you, I have several boots of the old Spiders. I'm just wondering how great a full band in-studio version would be, you know?
  4. Google translation from Icelandic: Devils are the balcony.
  5. Very funny post. Not to pick nits, but I think it's Sammy who wants the soda, not Spencer. Spencer just wanted a toy out of that stupid jerkass claw machine.
  6. Rolling Stone gives it 4 stars out of 5: http://www.rollingstone.com/reviews/album/31250414/review/31633406/contra
  7. All Come to Meet Her, with all the guys singing some beautiful harmonies: http://www.beck.com/record_club
  8. Dude


    I'm with you, even 10 minutes isn't enough to get any real sleep in. The only snooze button useful to me would be one that could allow me to push it ahead in half-hour or hour increments.
  9. There's a lot of confusion in this situation, but it seems like it wasn't a real bomb that they planted, it was an imitation used to train dogs. Why they selected someone's luggage to stick the materials in is a whole other issue. That seems boneheaded, even if the agencies were all notified it was happening (which they apparently weren't).
  10. Weird seeing Jeff's name being bandied about with all these legendary musicians, ain't it?
  11. It wasn't a real explosive: http://www.spectator.sk/articles/view/37552/10/slovak_message_to_dublin_about_explosive_was_sent_to_incorrect_address.html
  12. It's great news. Her last record, We'll Never Turn Back, was produced by some guy named Ry Cooder. I wonder if Jeff feels any pressure to produce a great sound for Mavis on this one. I certainly would.
  13. Dude


    I've had that internal alarm clock also, it's somehow miraculously woken me up on a dime when my real alarm clock has failed. Like literally the minute that the real alarm clock would have gone off. And whatever thing in my subconscious that's keeping track of the time somehow knows to not ever bother doing this on a weekend, when I'll sleep until 10 am or so.
  14. I can't even think of a Wilco song I'd classify as a dirge.
  15. The chorus to Radio Cure isn't even remotely dirgelike. But different strokes, as they say...
  16. Jeff is producing Mavis Staples this month, in the Loft - how cool is that????!?!
  17. Dude


    TICKED! sounds like the great name for a documentary detailing the abuses of Ticketmaster.
  18. Dude


    Since it cost the gross domestic product of Malaysia to make, probably not. But it should get there eventually.
  19. bbop, did you create another alias?
  20. I gave this a listen last night, it's alright. My attention wandered a bit here and there. Definitely doesn't grab me as quickly nor as hard as the first one did - probably a grower.
  21. The body scaners do turn people blue, and gives them some badass dreads, too:
  22. Man, sometimes I read these threads and feel like I'm sitting through a Clinton deposition.
  23. Dude


    Worldwide take so far: $1,063,151,759
  24. Definitely, have you been to the Fillmore? Looks really nice:
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