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Everything posted by Dude

  1. I spent a week in Costa Rica last year on a company outing. No bugs burrowing into my balls, though. I stayed here: http://www.paradisus-playa-conchal.com/ Had a great time, ziplined through a rainforest, surfed a little in the Pacific Ocean and enjoyed the amazing scenery and great weather. The one thing I didn't get to do was see a volcano, which was closer inland than where we were on the west coast. The all-inclusive package at the hotel I stayed in was quite good, with a decent variety of food and nice rooms. It was a beautiful country and I definitely plan on going back some day.
  2. It was a cool little bit of exposure, but it seemed like the "Wilco are suddenly popular" narrative was totally forced, i.e. "Wilco is now appearing on Letterman" (have appeared on Letterman and the Tonight Show over a decade) and "Wilco are now in a car commercial" (commercial aired over two years ago) and "Wilco have a #4 album" (SBS hit #4, too).... Still, their heart was in the right place.
  3. Agreed, historically rock bands tend to be either dictionarships (one guy running the show, i.e. Townshend, Page) or limited partnerships (Jagger / Richards). The Beatles operated as a partnership between Paul and John, with George largely getting marginalized as far as songs and band direction. Occasionally they would throw George a bone to make him happy, but ultimately the Beatles failed as a band when John and Paul couldn't stand eachother. To underscore this, John openly talked about and seemed very comfortable with replacing George with Eric Clapton when George stormed out of the Let It
  4. I would take a look again at his actual quote, as he doesn't really mention leadership issues, more that Bennett would be somewhat two-faced, being Jeff's best buddy when he was in the room and trashing him behind his back when he wasn't there.
  5. RS dropped the ball. The rehab angle shows a lack of imagination on the part of the interviewer. It's far more exciting that a band with no radio airplay is able to sell records despite rampant downloading and shrinking industry sales as a whole, something Spin understood. By the time the Jonas Brothers hit puberty, no one will remember who they were, but Wilco will still be making records and playing to bigger and bigger crowds.
  6. Basically, the Fork writers either gravitate towards nerds making disco with "soul-baring" earnest lyrics (LCD Soundsystem, Hot Chip (!?!?!?), Daft Punk) that make other nerds feel all warm and fuzzy, or they love escapist commercial fare like Clarkson, Beyonce, etc. Idioteque is essentially a nerdcore song, too, which is why the kids on Fork love it; Radiohead has far better songs in the '00s. The ADD generation is bored with rock (doesn't quite provide the stimulation the soundtracks to their favorite Nintendo games did), which is why there is only one rock song in the top 20.
  7. The interview is pretty weak, only two pages long and the same rehab questions that we've seen for the past 5 years. It has a pretty sweet ending, though.
  8. Nothing creepy about a 68-year-old man wandering around the halls of a high school, either.
  9. It's never been officially released as far as I can tell. I was geeked out enough about it to ask Mr. Tweedy himself after a show, who thought it was an iTunes bonus track. (Not according to this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I'm_Not_There_(soundtrack) ) He said it would come out in one form or another at some point. Probably just said that to get rid of me.
  10. That seems reasonable. If New Slang will change your life, will Jesus, Etc. change your life even more?
  11. It'll prolly be "Hey Ya" by Outkast. Everyone loves that song, from the tightest-jean wearing indie kids to the trashy girl who cuts your hair at SuperCuts and all the stereotypes in between.
  12. He gets major points for using the word 'scree' to describe a piece of music, though.
  13. So far: 411. Wilco - Handshake Drugs 147. Wilco - Poor Places 70. Junior Boys [ft. Andi Toma] - In the Morning 69. Arcade Fire - Rebellion (Lies) 68. Dr. Dre [ft. Eminem] - Forgot About Dre 67. Band of Horses - The Funeral 66. Fleet Foxes - White Winter Hymnal 65. Justin Timberlake - Cry Me a River 64. Interpol - Obstacle 1 63. The Hold Steady - Stuck Between Stations 62. The Shins - New Slang 61. Wilco - Jesus, Etc. http://pitchfork.com/features/staff-lists/7691-the-top-500-tracks-of-the-2000s-100-51/4/ Not a bad representation so far. The rest of the list (ranks 50 through 1) gets p
  14. Here's what Ryan had to say in 2000: I do like Heartbreaker quite a bit, but isn't even in the same league as Summerteeth or Being There in my opinion... (the albums Ryan would have had at the time to compare his work to...)
  15. Ringo's cool, but he wants you all to stop sending him any goddamn fan mail. If you don't, he's going to will some horrible evil Beatle karma on your asses. Peace and love.
  16. Yeah, I mean he's no Frank Black / Black Francis.
  17. I stand corrected on Hold Steady lead singer guy, he's from Minnesota originally, and he's only 37. Stereotyping is fun.
  18. Strange, I can far more see the appeal of a gifted harpist and songwriter who happens to have a nails on a chalkboard voice than I can see the appeal of a overweight middle-aged obnoxious white New Yawker ranting over Smithereens riffs.
  19. Nifty site, love the little track credits that pop up. Looks like they didn't go with the usual Flash GUI and went with Javascript instead.
  20. Here's Wilco first appearance on PHC - you can hear a stream of the entire episode. They played: Sky Blue Sky, Muzzle of Bees, What Light, When the Roses Bloom Again, Hesitating Beauty
  21. Maybe he's just trying to write another verse to one of his songs? Oh, where have you been, my blue-eyed son? Oh, where have you been, my darling young one? I been to the childhood homes of Neil Young and John Lennon, I been tryin' to find the home where the Boss wrote Born to Run, I been wanderin' around like a delusional vagrant, I've been questioned n' detained n' forced to prove who I was, While the rain was a'pourin' and my sweats they were soakin', Where the cop was a youngin' who didn't know her Dylan, It's a hard, it's a hard, it's a hard, it's a hard, It's a hard rain that did fall
  22. It would probably only tickle, because wrestling is fake. I know this from watching that Mickey Rourke movie.
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