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Everything posted by Dude

  1. ANOTHER SPOILER ALERT This may be true, but I personally think that for great metaphorical art to work, it has to work on multiple levels. It may be a great psychological exploration, but it also needs to be entertaining as a straight up narrative as well. In other words, you shouldn't have to think too deep about Max's id to appreciate it, nor should 7-year-old kids who are seeing it. I didn't find the Wild Thing interactions to be ultimately satisfying or entertaining. I thought if the film were to work, I was supposed to be extremely moved when Carol (Gandolfini) ran out sobbing to say
  2. Think the newer guitar might have been a Gibson SG Zoot Suit. Pretty nifty:
  3. Great, high energy show including Monday > Outtasite, Just a Kid, I'm Always in Love, John taking the mic for It's Just That Simple, Hoodoo Voodoo (great as always), Misunderstood with 36 nothings, Jesus, etc. singalong. Glenn played a gong on ITMWLY and they used some computery voice to introduce the band (...think Kid A...). A laid back hometown crowd vibe definiely brought a more upbeat set from the guys. On a few songs, Jeff was playing a really strange looking Gibson with odd bevels / coloring on the body. Sounded great, though. Hardly a complete setlist and I'm leaving a lot out but t
  4. I saw it last night also, it was a beautifully shot pic, and I'd give it a 10 out of 10 for visuals, but as an overall film, it's more like a 6 or 7 for me. And kids may not respond well to this, and not because of the darkness, scariness, or violence, but because the film is an emotional mess with a bunch of hastily characterized Wild Things, all not really fleshed out with personalities as much as they were saddled with neuroses and issues. Whether the wild things are conflicting emotions inside Max's brain or not, all they ultimately did was whine and bicker, which doesn't really make for a
  5. Dude

    UIC Chicago

    Here's the request tally as of this morning. I had to stuff the ballot to do a final lookup. I will be in the GA mosh pit both nights, straining to see past the 6'5ers..... October 18th It's Just That Simple Magazine Called Sunset Misunderstood Blank Hoodoo Voodoo Theologians Kicking Television Cars Can't Escape Dreamer in my dreams Summer Teeth October 19th I'll Fight Box Full Of Letters What's the world got in store I Must Be High Via Chicago At Least That's What You Said Passenger Side Spiders (Kidsmoke) Far, Far Away Airline to Heaven
  6. I'll bite: What does the scientific community (by scientific, I mean anyone not associated with right-wing lobbyist groups, oil / gas companies, etc.) possibly have to gain from pretending the Earth was rising in temperature when it wasn't?
  7. The last time I remember this sort of thing flaring up big time was years ago (way back in '04?) in DC, someone was snapping photos of a friend and they were trying to get Jeff in the background. It made Jeff feel very uncomfortable, so he made some angry comments, and of course they kept doing it. Jeff said something along the lines of "What am I, a monkey in the zoo?" or something to that effect, and even allegedly kicked towards the guy's head in anger (not connecting, of course). I wasn't there but it was pretty well documented on VC. Jeff's never said anything at any show I've been at,
  8. I don't think Wilco should take an extended break from touring. I do think some people should take an extended break from posting.
  9. The writing and photography are superb on this one. You can see every crevice of Nel's '59 Jazzmaster and there is a shitton on the Loft as well. Honestly, even non-gear nuts / non-guitar players will like the high production values of this magazine. It's sort of like an additional supplemental chapter to the Wilco Book.
  10. Jason Mraz is the Wonder bread of music. That 'I'm Yours' song is horribly craptastic, it makes Jack Johnson seem hardcore and edgy.
  11. "You have modernized the games without ever dimming the flame of tradition," Mr. Da Silva said, his voice rising. "The opportunity now is to expand the games to new continents. Light the cauldron in a tropical country, in the most beautiful of cities. Send a powerful message to the world that the Olympic Games belong to all people, all continents, and to all humanity." I have to admit, he's got a point.
  12. The Trib suggests Daley's (mis)handling of the public tax issue and the shitty polling all may have contributed: http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/chi-2016... For months, Daley had promised that the Games wouldn't be a burden on Chicago taxpayers, proclaiming he would stick to limited financial guarantees from the city if the Games lost money. But the IOC stood firm in its demand that candidate cities pledge a blanket guarantee for the Games. In June, Daley did an about-face and promised the IOC just such a guarantee, fueling public skepticism that taxpayers would foot the bil
  13. And if the two consenting adults happen to be father and daughter, it's EVERYONE's business. Or at the very least Oprah's audience's business.
  14. Do you think we were a little overconfident? I'm relatively certain Obama wouldn't have booked the trip had he not been assured it was going to be a slam-dunk, and a lot of things he, Michelle and Oprah said seemed to reek of overconfidence.
  15. Tokyo's out too. It's between Rio and Madrid now. Personally I now hope they give it to Rio.
  16. http://forums.viachicago.org/topic/39943-wilco-the-album-discussion-w-spoilers/ You start your merciless diatribe at page 10. EDIT: Looks like SR beat me to it.
  17. My biggest problem with the list is the omission of Ghost, and yet Jay Reatard gets in at 200.
  18. Maybe we can merge this with the "I sure hope Jeff Tweedy doesn't read VC" thread.
  19. Good times. Is that thread purged from VC due to the "board crash"?
  20. Whoever this Sony label is, they must have some crazy-ass pull with retailers.
  21. Not too shockingly, someone shoved it into the Sevendust bin at the local Best Buy. I brought it to the attention of the manager, who created a proper bin for it.
  22. I think it's more due to the fact that the taxpayers would be expected to foot the bill if the Olympics lost money - this was a huge sticking point, but a necessity with the IOC to even keep our bid alive.
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