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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. I think they have hit on quite a few new artists and great albums this year alone based on what they have given their "Best New Music" tag to.
  2. You should have just stuck to the first clause of your first sentence.
  3. I can't believe there are three pages already on something that hasn't even been written.
  4. Definitely. It's nice to actually have some news about the new album in the "New Album News" thread.
  5. Wait until the resident conspiracy theorists get a hold of this one.
  6. I actually see this thing getting settled rather quickly. And while Jay was, of course, an integral part of the band during those years, why does everyone feel the need to go to extremes when describing his contributions to Wilco?
  7. I really enjoyed the DVD and thought the format actually enhanced what I was watching as opposed to taking away from it. For instance, I thought it effectively captured what life on the road is like by showing what the band sees on the road in between cities and shows and by seeing the after-effects of each show in terms of Jeff's voice, Glenn's hands, Nels's neck, etc. Plus, the brief interviews gave a nice glimpse of what the band members think about in relation to being on tour in these cities along with their nice thoughts on the other members in the band and what they bring. I didn't
  8. If you count "Nothing'severgonnastandinmyway(again)" as an intentional misspelling, then 3 of the last 4 Wilco albums have had one. You could even stretch to say that the use of the numeral in "The Lonely 1" could count.
  9. Yes. We have all but shut down the city here in Fort Worth. No school. No Mayfest. No Cinco de Mayo celebrations. It's becoming a tad ridiculous. We took our daughter to daycare today. Are we going to be jailed for child endangerment?
  10. I was late to Eels, and "Things the Grandchildren Should Know" knocked me out on the first listen and made me stand up and take notice. Thusly, it will probably always be my favorite of his. I need to check out the book. Just haven't gotten around to it.
  11. Yes, and the rest of us are just idiots. I'm glad you're here to tell us these things.
  12. I would be very interested to see the world through your eyes, where black is white and up is down. Just for a few seconds, though.
  13. That's not the only factor they have to weigh when making a decision on a bill like this. Of course, when you frame the question that way, I guess the answer is pretty simple.
  14. Didn't FDR set into motion the whole New World Order by orchestrating the attack on Pearl Harbor? He's the cause of all of this!
  15. At this point in time, there isn't a choice between those two things.
  16. Enough about Son Volt, when are we going to see a new Drams album, Brent???
  17. Interesting choice of words, there. And, no, I do not own any guns at the moment nor plan to in the future.
  18. You're exactly right. However, if we want to stick with the abbreviations for compound words like "Summerteeth," then should the ranking be: AM B T ST Y H FT A G I B S B S W (T A)
  19. I'm going out to buy all of the semi-automatic machine guns and Molotov cocktails (they sell those, right?) I can in preparation for all the swine-flu-riddled zombies that will undoubtedly try to beat down my front door in the coming weeks.
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