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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. Can someone please explain to me what is so wrong with "Highly Suspicious"? Because if loving it is wrong, then I don't wanna be right.
  2. I used to badmouth Pop all the time, too. Then I thought I would put in the time to actually listen to it, and quickly changed my mind. Mofo is one of my absolute favorites and I love Miami, Playboy Mansion, Wake Up Dead Man, etc. Plus, it's not as experimental as some think with Staring at the Sun, Last Night on Earth, Gone, Please, which would feel right at home on most of their other albums.
  3. I'm still on the fence trying to decide whether to listen to any of these new songs. I'm sure I'll break down at some point.
  4. The only bad album since '91 is Atomic Bomb. In fact, I would take Zooropa over Achtung Baby and Pop is excellent.
  5. 1. I am trying to break your heart: At least that
  6. Maybe. But only until the next album comes out.
  7. Did you like the Montessori school? Obviously they are all a little different, but we're trying to decide whether to move our daughter to one when she hits 18 months. Right now she's at a church day care, which is good, but we think she might get more out of the Montessori. Cost is roughly the same.
  8. Isn't that the approach that provided us with the fairly listless Sky Blue Sky.
  9. Yes, you're missing something. Especially since you think we've been operating under some kind of laissez-faire capitalist system, which we have not for quite some time now.
  10. Yeah, it really just depends on the individual. A lot of times, those rising stars turn out to be nothing special.
  11. I definitely see that. Although, if Obama looks like a sure thing in 2012, they might throw up a sacrificial lamb and save their rising star for 2016. Of course, there might be someone different by then, too.
  12. I think the Republican Party is under the belief that they have to go after that percentage of the population and make those social views issues. And, you're right, until they let that part of the party drift towards the fringe, the entire party runs the risk of becoming totally irrelevant. I have no idea what Jindal's social views are, I was just saying that basing his entire future political career off one scripted speech given to a camera seems a little shortsighted.
  13. One speech while he is looking into a monitor and essentially looking at himself while he talks, and he is totally written off. Y'all really crack me up sometimes. Plus, I agree with most of what he said.
  14. I don't necessarily agree, but I think everyone is funny in that movie so it's pointless to argue about it. I do think Paul Rudd's best role is in 40-Year-Old Virgin.
  15. Anchorman is one of the funniest movies to come out in the last 10 years. And I'll probably always give him a pass for that role alone.
  16. The thing is, though, every actor makes shit movies. You shouldn't be defined by the one or two duds on your resume, unless all you have are bad movies.
  17. Yeah, Will Ferrell doesn't deserve to be on that list. Especially since a lot of those guys have yet to make even one good movie.
  18. And to the fact they faced protesters on the way in. Don't people have more constructive things to do?
  19. Don't get me wrong. There is money to be cut from defense. It just always seems to be the first thing mentioned, which always strikes me as a little odd since defense is part of the federal government's actual responsibility, as opposed to many other unnecessary and wasteful government programs (a lot of which are in this new stimulus bill).
  20. Of course, he wants to start with cutting defense spending. One of the few things the federal government should spend actually spend money on. Not in this instance.
  21. Well, he did buy 78 seats. I think he could have placed it somewhere.
  22. They don't have constitutional rights. Always playing the race card.
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