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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. It's surprising how these stupid little talking points/controversies have such legs. OMG! Obama loves the government, says everybody else sucks! OMG! Romney has money offshore! He's rich so he's bad!
  2. That's all politics is these days.
  3. I used to...but there is a difference between bestsellers that become that way simply because of the author or nature of the book...and then there are those that are truly worthy of the designation and you're happy for the author. The near-unanimous praise for this book made me want to check it out...and I'm extremely glad that I did.
  4. Another good article from SI.com, addressing the issue and Nick Saban's recent suggestion:
  5. I have a feeling that Divine Fits will become my favorite, but we'll see.
  6. SI.com writer Stewart Mandel hit on the points I was trying to make. Notably:
  7. To me, it's more of an institutional issue that just so happens to involve the head football coach and a former assistant. It isn't an athletics issue, which is why I question the NCAA's involvement in any kind of sanctions against the football program. For instance, if this had all happened in the back rooms of the Penn State Creamery, would the entire ice cream making department be shut down? Or if this had happened with the head of the theater department (if they have one), would that entire section of the school be shut down?
  8. Not sure if it's un-American, but why? Of course, I rarely watch an Olympic basketball game.
  9. The NBC coverage is great considering you can watch nearly every event, which they saturate all their various cable networks with. I've always loved the Olympics (winter more than summer, though), and I'm looking forward to it this year.
  10. About halfway through this and really enjoying it. Has anyone read any of her other novels?
  11. How is this even an NCAA issue? It's heinous. It's horrible. It's completely outside the jurisdiction of the NCAA. Any punishment should be solely directed at the parties involved. And the prestige of the program is already tarnished. Punishing the current football program only punishes innocents. What would that accomplish?
  12. True. The cost-effectiveness of it would have to be determined. I also wonder about other IDs that might not be state-issued. What is the verification process for some of those? And I ask this question out of general curiosity, although I'm sure I'll be verbally reprimanded for not being sensitive enough: Who are these people with no forms of identification? Are they all unemployed, never been employed, or self-employed and work from home? I only ask because every job I've ever had has required filling out an I-9. And every employee I've ever hired has required the same.
  13. I still don't have a problem with requiring an ID to vote. I think the solution for some of these instances is to make it less of a burden to obtain one, not eliminate the entire requirement.
  14. Revisited this (again) over the last few nights. Still love every minute.
  15. It's also a burden for some to actually vote. I say, in order to make sure that everyone's constitutional right to vote is guaranteed, each county should be responsible for installing red and blue buttons in the kitchen of each residence. (For those residences without kitchens, the buttons should be installed by the nearest hot plate.) Then on election day, all a person would need to do is walk to the button of his or her choice and press it. For those that can't walk or otherwise move with crutches or a wheelchair, the county can hire someone to go into those homes and press the button f
  16. The Supreme Court agrees with you. Plus, the Texas law would make the IDs free.
  17. Instead of an ID, I think the polls should administer a 2-part quiz. The first part is a simple algebra problem and the second part is the requirement that the potential voter correctly identify 30 states on a U.S. map.
  18. No. The previous poster said "I would like a definition of inferior," so I thought I would provide one.
  19. Members of the media are often forced to show multiple forms of identification to cover events.
  20. I'm 100% with the fans. He said he would pick a hometown player and then he didn't. Why not? So the A.L. would win? Win what? Isn't this whole thing purely for the fans? Who cares who wins? Give the hometown fans something to cheer for and to get excited about.
  21. I can see both sides of the argument. But at the end of the day, it is not that difficult to get a photo ID. It can be an inconvenience like it was when I got my license or when I have to get it renewed, etc. But it's not prohibitive. For example, there was an article in the Austin American Statesman describing an 18-year-old witness's testimony about how difficult it was for her to obtain an ID to vote (the courts are dealing with a suit involving Texas's voter ID law). I wonder what would have happened if in the time it took her to travel to the courthouse and testify, she instead went
  22. I think this is true of most sets of fans, as far as the out-of-whack love of obscure, unreleased material. I remember when I was on a huge Radiohead kick and I had to have every B-side, every unreleased song, every rare live song or cover, etc. I was convinced that they were all excellent. Listening to them later, there may have only been a couple that were truly worth it.
  23. Swingin' is my favorite Petty song by a mile.
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