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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. It goes both ways, though. Especially when GD fans disregard any opinion of someone if that person hasn't memorized every note of every live show of any 3-year period.
  2. Although, I think the majority of posters on this site don't suffer from having their judgment clouded by preconceived notions. I think anyone posting here about particular bands have some experience with them.
  3. I need to revisit it. It has been a while since I last listened to it...but it was heading down the same path for me as the two previous albums.
  4. That's a pretty good write-up on what will most likely always be my favorite album of all-time.
  5. Was someone going to try to post an example of the Grateful Dead where they actually rock?
  6. C'mon Jules...metaphorical references to battle or war are far worse than monetarily incentivizing maiming a fellow player.
  7. Come on now...if a football player says, "I hope we kill our opponent next week," do you think that means he wants to actually murder the opposing team? Who knows what that latter statement meant, but I think it's a bit of a leap to state that he is talking about assassinating the president.
  8. Do you really think that's what he was saying?
  9. The more issues for the Angels, the better.
  10. Now on to Detroit, the house of horrors. Should be a great series. Even after consecutive AL pennants, it's still hard to wrap my head around the fact that the Rangers are a premier team in baseball.
  11. I've only listened to it once so far, but I really liked what I heard.
  12. Yeah, I have a nice Yamaha receiver too, but I think it cost more than $500 (probably around $800). Can't remember the model number on it, though
  13. Because there are too many damn jam band fans on this board.
  14. I think Onkyo receivers do a pretty good job for the price. I would use the internet to look up reviews and opinions. CNET is always a good place to stop to see what they recommend, and there might be some other sites that look at AV equipment in depth (I know I've seen them, just can't remember the names).
  15. It's all just noise...and with 24-hour "news" networks, the noise is even louder and harder to ignore. Having to react to or condemn every single idiot who says something stupid is pointless and only adds to the background noise that clouds any chance for real debate or discussion. But politics have been nasty since the election of 1800.
  16. No. Makes no difference. Plus, she was right.
  17. I'll reiterate what I've said in the past...I think it's a waste of time for politicians to spend their time "publicly com[ing] out" against remarks made by supporters, etc. Who cares? And we'll continue to disagree on the amount of influence the tea party has on the national race. You say a lot, I say a little.
  18. I'm not denying their influence....I just don't think it is as large as others think it is. They make a lot of noise and in certain spots they probably have a lot of pull. I just don't think it translates in a national race, which is why I downplay the influence they have. You're right about one thing, though, the social conservative zealots have certainly co-opted the initial movement and made it in to something a lot worse. Also, I think the primary race has gone on this long because of yet another lack of a viable candidate that people can get behind. It's essentially 2004 in reverse,
  19. So, what you're telling me is that the people who formed the Tea Party never thought that way until after the 2008 election? The people in the Republican Party who defended Sarah Palin with every last breath and had been advocating for the very things the Tea Party/Religious Right currently desire didn't exist until after 2008? And now, more powerful and influential than ever, they lead the Republican Party to nominate Mitt Romney over Santorum, Gingrich, Bachmann, etc.?
  20. If they were such a large part of the Republican base, you couldn't really explain the last two Republican presidential nominees.
  21. Ah yes, because one's political ideology is enough to get that person classified as a shithead. We've come so far.
  22. The only woman I can think of who makes any sense and who I've seen mentioned is Condoleezza Rice.
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