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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. Well, you've missed my point. Those are all fair criticisms of the film itself (I assume, anyway, I haven't seen it). I've read many of those same points you just made. Still has nothing to do with Sandra Bullock's actual performance in the film. EDIT: Any great performance owes a large debt of gratitude to the screenplay. So saying her performance is marred by the screenplay that was tailored towards her character rings pretty shallow. All great lead roles come from screenwriters that have written juicy roles for them. Her performance should simply be judged by her performance. A
  2. Ok. So what? The category is not "Best Performance by an Actress Playing a Real-Life Character That is as Faithful to That Person's Life as Humanly Possible." Aren't you creating some kind of double standard between actors playing real people versus fictional people?
  3. Still not sure how that has anything to do with her actual performance on the screen, nor why anyone who is critically watching her performance should particularly care about the particulars of the adaptation of the book. I haven't seen nor read The Blind Side, but you seem to have some deep-seeded animosity towards the film and Leigh Anne Tuohy (Jesebel Tuhoy? Is this a joke in the movie or something?).
  4. What does the adaptation of the book have to do with Sandra Bullock's performance in the film? After seeing The Hurt Locker, I'm really surprised it won the screenplay award. I thought that was its weakest element by far.
  5. I know what you mean. I don't particulary care for comedies that have funny jokes.
  6. Bullock's acceptance was very good. Best of the night.
  7. There are a lot of questions that don't need answers. And some that might be better answered by our own imaginations. I don't have a problem with this.
  8. I missed that one, although they did touch on the Great Lakes during the episode on America's Ice Age. I'm probably going to have to pick these up on DVD/Blu-Ray (are they on Blu-Ray?). I'm not sure how often History Channel re-airs all the past episodes.
  9. Does anyone else watch this show on History Channel? It is utterly fascinating and confirms my belief that I really should have been a geologist or volcanologist. There was an original 2-hour special that went through the progression of the planet from its birth to eventual death through all the ice ages, volcanic activity, plate movements, etc. There was also an episode on Mt. St. Helens that I've watched over and over again. Probably one of the more fascinating events of my lifetime. Just wondering if there were any other fans, and to encourage others to check it out.
  10. Y'all should come to Texas! Things are good down here!
  11. Dan Savage had a funny comment in his advice column this week. Well, funny only if it weren't so true:
  12. I didn't know you wanted a fullly-detailed policy discussion. There are plenty of places to go for that, other than a Wilco message board. But, briefly, cap-and-trade legislation is very damaging economically because: 1) The rapid loss of manufacturing jobs as companies are forced to cut emissions 2) These jobs will not be recovered or offset by so-called "green jobs" - there just won't be enough to go around 3) Rising costs of energy 4) Rising costs of gasoline (both of these are pretty self-evident...someone is going to have to pay the cost for our energy consumption, and it is really wh
  13. I thought we weren't using meaningless talking points.
  14. It's funny. Of course, I don't need an agency to tell me not to spend money I don't have.
  15. One is a personal choice based on their needs, what they can afford, etc. The other is a government mandate to help pay for questionable policy decisions. A little more of a pinch here and a little more of a pinch there can be very damaging. Not all that curious at all.
  16. Well, Up in the Air is fantastic. One of my favorites of the decade.
  17. Michael Clayton is better than all of them, IMO.
  18. Siskel. He loved both Babe films.
  19. Economically speaking...extremely damaging. It's a huge energy tax that families across the country would feel the brunt of. It's so bad, that it is essentially dead in the Senate anyway. Obama has already mentioned moving ahead without the cap-and-trade component, and senators are already working on their version of an energy bill that has nothing to do with cap-and-trade. So we can all breathe a small sigh of relief. For now.
  20. I think I will write a letter that this is one of the more damaging pieces of legislation that has ever passed the House and it will hopefully die a quick death in the Senate. Now where's my free music?
  21. You forgot The Hold Steady and The New Pornographers on May 4th, too.
  22. Good story on Joannie Rochette: Rochette golden in winning bronze
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