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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. There seems to be a lot of nostalgia brewing up for Binaural, as if it's this lost classic or, at least, a really good album. Maybe compared to Riot Act, but I just don't see it. It only has a handful of songs that I even care to listen to. However, Pearl Jam is in my top four (along with Vitalogy, No Code, and Yield). It's solid from top to bottom and "Come Back" might be my favorite PJ song. From what I've heard of the new one, I'm a little concerned. Although, that's basing things off of only two songs, one of which isn't bad ("The Fixer" however is pretty bad).
  2. Wow. He really went all out with that paragraph. Does he write these while sitting on the toilet?
  3. It's going to be his number one.
  4. But isn't that what we are ultimately doing with this "Top 20"? I don't deny the arbitrariness of ranking the songs or the little value a ranking has over time, but since I think that is obvious, I wonder why it matters. If you're already coming up with 20 songs, is it that much more difficult to put them in order beyond that? (Time-consuming, yes. Difficult, not that much.)* *This author takes little to no responsibility for any contradictions in the preceding paragraph or previous posts.
  5. Why are so many people afraid to rank the songs? It's not that difficult.
  6. That's a decent write-up. Although, I still wish for something more. Oh well. Great tune, it really anchors SBS so well.
  7. Talk about a stroke of good luck! I'll see you there.
  8. I'm definitely going to need some time. Sounds like a good weekend project and one for a road trip I have coming up.
  9. It's nice that the mole is a Longhorns fan.
  10. I've always liked Hummingbird, but I wouldn't put it that high on a list like this. I think it's been mentioned before, but this is a really disappointing list from an analytical perspective. If you're going to do one song a day, I would expect a lengthy write-up for each song with intriguing analysis that either dissects the lyrics or examines the melody or both. This guy is a joke and nothing he has written apart from his actual list has been remotely interesting.
  11. When it comes to that song, you can't be snarky enough.
  12. I think it's worth it regardless of the price. The difference between the two Taxmans was pretty striking.
  13. So is my best option to get the mono box set and buy Yellow Submarine, Abbey Road, and Let It Be separately? Is that Mono Masters CD going to include everything on Past Masters or will I need to buy that one separately, too?
  14. I'm not sure I'll be able to do that. That's about a 7-8 hour trip. I would just like to know what the reason is for them disappearing, or some kind of explanation.
  15. Radiohead - Just And I loved Sledgehammer when I was a kid. But I can't even remember the last video I've seen.
  16. Gun would probably be in my top 5, almost for that lyric alone.
  17. So are you saying that these songs you listed are lazy, listless, and plod along? I think you missed his point. Something doesn't need to be peppy in order to avoid those types of adjectives. And comparing ACD to most of these songs is just as laughable.
  18. AM: Too Far Apart > Pick Up the Change BT: Misunderstood > The Lonely 1 ST: I'm Always in Love > We're Just Friends YHF: I Am Trying to Break Your Heart > Heavy Metal Drummer AGIB: Handshake Drugs > Less Than You Think SBS: Side With the Seeds > Leave Me (Like You Found Me) WTA: Deeper Down > You and I It was really hard to find least favorite songs on AM, YHF, and WTA. Of course, WTA was hard all the way around...it's just too new.
  19. I wouldn't say this album is terrible, but it was putting me to sleep this morning. I had to cut it off about 8 songs in and put on the new UUVVWWZ. I'll try to start it up again when I'm in the right frame of mind, but it sounds like the same stuff Jay has been trotting out for a long time now. The lyrics seemed a little more clumsy than usual, though.
  20. I've thought of it as the narrator slowly losing his mind over the course of the song to the point where he is so frazzled and horrified that he is calling his girlfriend, hoping beyond hope that she'll pick up and everything is actually okay.
  21. Actually, I wasn't being a dick about anything. Based on your response, I figured "need" was part of the criteria, since my knowledge of the Polaris Prize didn't extend beyond it being Canadian. Plus, I agree that artists who could use the prize money more definitely deserve the recognition. As far as Metric is concerned, I really like their album and I'm not sure why their lead singer should be held against them. I've heard seven of the short list, and none of them come close to the Metric album for me. But I'm anxious to get my hands on Chad VanGaalen and Hey Rosetta. Based largely on
  22. Oh. I just figured it was a prize for best Canadian album or something like that. I didn't know it was a need-based award.
  23. Whatever. Palin might not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but, seriously, "did not know" Andrew Johnson? Give me a break. Of course, she was going for the Lincoln-tie. So what? She's the only politician to ever do that? I didn't see the speech, but, then again, I don't care. And a leading candidate for 2012 according to whom? How can you even have a leading candidate 3 years out? I think it was fairly clear that a Palin nomination would have splintered the party even more than it already is. And I sincerely hope that the Republicans can come up with someone good to get rid of BHO.
  24. That Metric album is great. Or is the Polaris Prize supposed to award albums without great hooks and melodies?
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