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Albert Tatlock

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Everything posted by Albert Tatlock

  1. Jeff mate. Someone must have given you wrong directions. That's obviously the Ladies loo - there's always a queue. You should have gone to find the Gents.
  2. You know, there's being generous with stories, and then there's too much information!
  3. Absolutely understandable. I'm not a huge collector of shows myself, although I have a select few that I treasure (thanks to those who B&P'd to me - you know who you are!), but it strikes me that this was such a personal experience that it actually might not be too enjoyable to hear as someone who was not actually present. It would feel like prying. And that's quite apart from the fact that you forked out to the charity to earn the right to be there in the first place. You have been more than generous with the pictures and stories (and putting up with the odd bad joke from people like me
  4. A domestic scene from this evening (no access to those hosting sites at work) Wife: What are you doing now? Me: Just logging on to look at a picture of Jeff Tweedy, you know, from Wilco, queueing to go to the loo. Wife: Mentalist!
  5. To someone distant from it all, it was nice to see that your group was open in its preparations for bidding and arrangements. And now you are sharing the event too. It is to your great credit. Thankyou! That second picture posted above is just brilliant. Also, I'd like to see Edie's dining table if those are all the chairs from it Must be like the court of King Arthur in there
  6. Maybe that option could be for paying members? Not trying to make things exclusive (I'm a silver skinflint myself) - just a thought on 'perks' to encourage people for the next year.
  7. I have seen a button, I swear, but can't see it when I look on any thread/message now.
  8. Just thought it mught be useful to have your message in a pinned thread
  9. I'd like the interface to be more like Excel, say, so it blends in more at work. Those bloody yellow smilies on the list are a giveaway!
  10. Edited when my sense of decency finally cut in - see above. Does it work?
  11. The light switch or the blinds control? (+ sign to far right on same line as Board Statistics text?)
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