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Albert Tatlock

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Everything posted by Albert Tatlock

  1. Did Sammy have his nipple tassles?
  2. So Largo is a pole dancing club? Interesting choice of venue.
  3. Top 3 in my pantheon of Barrys. (1) Barry 'The King' John. Quite possibly the sexiest man ever to have graced this earth. (2) Barry Cryer. (recently deceased unfortunately) (3) Barry island. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tb5R_eLxzc Some may question why Barry Gibb is not number 3, but then I've never eaten a choc-ice whilst sitting on Barry Gibb. So worthy runner up for him I'm afraid.
  4. On the slippery slope to the Las Vegas residency?
  5. Persian Lessons - a variation on a holocaust film like Life Is Beautiful was. Some stretch to take on the premise but once you go with the story there were some well conceived ideas/twists etc. Dark Water - a ripping yarn from 19th Century whalers, with some emphasis on the ripping. Didn't like it as much as The Terror, but in similar territory - geographically and theatrically. Toast in Tinseltown - very patchy, but always willing to guffaw at Matt Berry in an internationalised version of Toast of London. With that Fred Armisen guy too. The Outlaws - Stephe
  6. But I never said Jehovah! . . . Oh bugger . . . I don't know how to break this to you, but it appears you're not on the VIP events memo list any more? As for Mariachi > Wilco - I was listening to MA1 in its entirety the other day and began thinking how much I miss 'the rasp'. I guess age, giving up the fags, and the nose job (I use that in the loosest sense for comedy effect) have all been factors - but things like Hoodoo Voodoo sound so good there. I've just got a bit turned off by the glut of whispery vocalised dirge rock. As I've said before, hoping they brought b
  7. Ta That mariachi band looks the business. I love a mariachi band. Probably would have enjoyed that more than Wilco these days.
  8. My favourite (with a u) reporter since this guy:- (Sydney radio - the late Warwick Rankin live to air from a fire at the Firestone Tyre Factory) https://www.andrewhost.com/audio/radio/bloopers-2sm-03-firestone-tyre-factory.mp3 Safe journey home!
  9. People love Christmas But I am ambivalent New Year though: bollocks!
  10. Truly loved that guy, especially as a kid. Then loved a lot of his music too. No one rocked a bobble hat like Mike. RIP.
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MhyipsMVesA Pat sings the Beatles and demonstrates his musical versatility by mastering the bog roll. The Whole Love is probably my fav Wilco album - I like to think because Pat co-produced and gave it a fantastic bright but not over-polished sound full of aural interest - just like a good Beatles album.
  12. Nice to hear. I have looked for the snippets Disney have been releasing (and they looked brilliant) but did not commit to a subscription. May buy on DVD or something if there is a simple 4 DVD option without a ton of extras and packaging to bump up the cost. Suppose basically I am just so happy that a more positive vibe has been attached to that period after the downer of the original film.
  13. I remember when someone was trolling about plagiarism of lyrics from some (fictional?) poet and JT posted (under srmt) to defend himself. I always think that FB is about me, whereas VC is (perhaps unfortunately more like was?) about we.
  14. Thanks for taking the time to dig, and thanks to Narziss of course for all his efforts. Some of those names brought back memories. I think Stardog was always trying to spoof people with weird opinions. That was quite funny. I remember the Happy Busman and his recipes fondly. Wonder what happened to him? And if there's one constant apart from Kidsmoke, it's good ol' AnalogMan. Happy birthday us! P.S. In case anyone wonders at my user name, here is the explanation
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