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Albert Tatlock

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Everything posted by Albert Tatlock

  1. Wilco related fact. Leslie Bricuse - the (British) guy who wrote the Willy Wonka tune Pure Imagination used by Wilco prior to taking the stage on a couple of tours - died yesterday. Also, taking your advice. I find a few margaritas sometimes help too.
  2. Beep beep, beep beep, yeah! nah! Meanwhile, altogether now ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SE5IfIkl_oA And whilst that tune evokes memories of TV adverts from the 70's (I seem to remember Cilla Black singing it but can find no evidence now), I present the best ever tea advert (one of a series over many years). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZfkquXqhMdA You hum it son, I'll play it. Comedy gold.
  3. Suppose you would have more experience of that than most #bathtubbuddies. Ta.
  4. +1 in favour of an Antics Avenue just to the right from Banter Corner.
  5. He mentioned my name. Swoon . . . (And I did genuinely laugh out loud reading that, so, you know, ta.)
  6. You are allowed to be slack at weekends since my tea schedule changes from a normal work day, so no problem! Plus it's a bug day of domestic Welsh rugby today so I have other distractions.
  7. You've really upped your game with the occasional choice photo. Ta.
  8. Just over 10 miles and he makes it sound like the 1914 Shackleton expedition.
  9. JT with a hat is always a bit of a downer - it casts a dark shadow on the face that restricts the connection with the audience in my opinion - just like lead singers who wear sunglasses on stage.
  10. Ta as in northern English and Welsh 'thank you'. Come on Eileen too-rye-aye.
  11. Au contraire mon brave, but only as much as it made me think of this rather than the Stones (which I didn't actually know):- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1OIzhiQf490 SLF probably in my top 10 punk/new wave bands.
  12. Yeah - I feel bad for doubting Bbop. I'm sure he meant this as some kind of performance art piece Wilco are working on.- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNSGwBiCiqU
  13. Nothing to see? Nothing to see? Only Bbop in rare setlist slip-up horror!
  14. Hadn't heard this in a while. Honk. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_KlckKFFc0
  15. Out of interest, where would you put Señor on your scale of salutations? I think it has a certain grandeur whilst Herr is cold and unwelcoming (which come to think about it might make it more appropriate).
  16. That is fine, I am known for my big cup. It will last through 2 readings. But why the Herr, unless you are confusing me with Bert Trautman?
  17. Nice story oh king of infinite space.
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