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Albert Tatlock

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Everything posted by Albert Tatlock

  1. https://www.charitybuzz.com/categories/32/catalog_items/372200?ref=32 Currently 250 of your green things.
  2. Mr Nice gives an interview. http://social.entertainment.msn.com/movies/blogs/post--interview-wilcos-nels-cline-on-the-music-documentary-approximately-nels-cline
  3. Less romantic will they/won't they with the companion, more thoughtful solutions than action man plus sonic screwdriver, more appropriate age for River (though I hope they have dropped her). I will miss Matty though.
  4. Marvellous to see here this lunchtime in Blighty http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-f2hHO6dkY4 Just Nels & a bit of Glenn for Bang Bang http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_AheSnN9nI
  5. Wouldn't you - Frank might have sent some of 'the boys' round if they'd fouled up
  6. We were never close, but yes ... Welcome back.
  7. Haven't they pandered to your taste enough already this tour?
  8. Nice one - Ta. Quoted here to save it for posterity (or the next board crash) in case that link ever becomes invalid.
  9. Someone managed to capture some of it on video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHKcSCCOuGo
  10. Ditto for The Happy Busman's 'cookery' thread. Good time.
  11. I've been enjoying it alot too. For a female in roughly the same genre, have also really liked Patti Griffin's album this year. Not much mention of it I could find here though, but has my personal stamp of approval. Very much enjoyed seeing her at an in-store a couple of months ago, with a guest spot from a very humble and likable Robert Plant.
  12. Its possible to spend a huge amount of time at thepoke.co.uk - some hilarious stuff. That particular piece was doing the rounds here since the company headquarters of my company is in Glasgow. What with the current UK heatwave they are in danger of suffering a ginger extinction event. Meanwhile, from the 55 TV captions ... And this has some classics ... http://www.thepoke.co.uk/2013/05/06/50-brilliant-pub-chalkboards/
  13. e.g. Some NSFW - but fine at my office :-) http://www.thepoke.co.uk/2013/06/14/25-reasons-why-we-love-scotland/
  14. I think Froggie is in danger of bursting a bloodvessel when he reads this ...
  15. It could be a useful ice-breaker on the current tour. JT: "So Bob, you remember than time on tour in England when someone called out 'Judas' after one of your songs? Well something similar happened to me the other day ...".
  16. Thanks Scott Grrrr for locating the alternate source. There are few more beautiful exponents of the English language than a potty-mouthed Scouser. A veritable modern Falstaff.
  17. Keep your cool ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8hmi9aEiy4
  18. Still looking back at TWL. no revelations but there you are ... http://www.citybeat.com/cincinnati/article-28105-as_a_whole.html
  19. Related:- US gym teacher becomes internet hit after wearing same outfit for 40 years http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/10159091/US-gym-teacher-becomes-internet-hit-after-wearing-same-outfit-for-40-years.html
  20. That Friday night covers set has been proving very useful hasn't it Just need to give Bob afew more days to brush up on his Abba lyrics.
  21. Congrats LouieB. I remember Rosie (and WildMercurySound her best UK buddy) and I also remember when there was almost a kind of race to get to 1000 posts and then they got worried that their count might be reset to zero once they got through that threshold like a mileometer on a car. Funny. There was a whole lot more creativity and fun craziness (but also at times nastiness) in those days. As well as falling out of love with Wilco etc., I think that people have moved on to Facebook, Twitter and blogging etc to express themselves more individually and with more immediacy. They thus feel less
  22. As a Stones fan (with the usual pre-1980 caviat) but someone who has regarded them as being uniformly dire live for a similar number of decades, I found their performance pleasantly surprising, in that it was vaguely acceptable, but certainly not the 'triumph' being trumpeted in the media. 2000 Light Years From Home was shambolic. Mick was pretty energetic, so all those monkey glands etc. must work. I did enjoy seeing Charlie actually smiling a few times. Most telling vignettes from the coverage I saw: (1) After Elvis Costello played Tramp The Dirt Down there was hardly a murmer of applause.
  23. http://www.nippertown.com/2013/06/26/live-wilcos-all-request-show-solid-sound-festival-mass-moca-6212213/#more-98303
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