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Albert Tatlock

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Everything posted by Albert Tatlock

  1. http://www.thevine.com.au/music/interviews/wilco-interview/ Enjoy!
  2. If so I shall consider moving there. (Thread title is phrased as though states do have official songs of other genres? Do any other states have official rock songs?)
  3. I also really liked The Shadow Line, if that ever got to you. Chris Eccleston in it too for any Who fans. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Shadow_Line_(TV_series)
  4. Spiral series 4. Gritty Parisienne flic drama. Stylish & Good stuff.
  5. It was watchable but lost its way towards the end. It was a semi-replacement for The sadly missed Spooks that was excellent through several series (bar the odd bit of improbable electronics spying wizardry) Did that ever get to the US? Be careful not to get too attached to any character - they usually get bumped off ...
  6. Emmylou's voice is an absolute treasure of course. Pretty good.
  7. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/mark-bazer/jeff-tweedy-and-the-chica_b_2689280.html?utm_hp_ref=entertainment
  8. http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/music/news/morose-im-just-getting-started--nick-cave-loses-patience-during-twitter-qa-with-fans-8503539.html Excellent!
  9. Now I'm so tired out enjoying that lot (and others you can find) I think I need a lie down ...
  10. So, a quiet Sunday morning suddenly hit by a depth charge - randomly came across The Strypes on BBC Radio 6 Cerys Matthews show ... These boys have really got it. Nothing 'new', but good music played with this much energy never gets old. For those of us just born when this stuff might have been in its heyday, rhythm and blues is back, and this time in colour :-) (though they do tend to bevgoing for the retro black and white vids) What will they be like in a few years time?... No idea but I think I'll be taking a ride on their train. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=plBtjQekyN4 EDIT - check
  11. More w/o any JT references here. http://stereogum.com/1255121/lows-alan-sparhawk-on-the-invisible-way-the-bands-20th-anniversary-and-the-general-weirdness-of-getting-older/interview/
  12. Had heard the first 10 mins or so before somehow/somewhere, but now it's on to the good stuff ... Spending a nice lunchtime in banter corner, though not warming particularly to the host. Seems a bit too much of a "If I swear it's enough to make it funny" type of comedian.
  13. Indeed. With many of the great Welsh stars of my 70s childhood, and the melodious tones of Cliff Morgan (himself a former Welsh outside half) commentating. With (then amateur until 1995) rugby being such a part of the close-knit Welsh way of life, these guys were people everyone saw about town etc. and contributed to the closeness that the Welsh feel to their team and national sport that only the New Zealanders come close to matching. Only in those two countries is it the sport fo the working class.
  14. They need a sax player :-) The continual acoustic hook reminds me of One Sunday Morning Steve Forbert - Make It All So Real
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