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Albert Tatlock

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Everything posted by Albert Tatlock

  1. "Those people look like ants down there" This is pretty uneventful other than satisfying my curiosity as to what the Bowl looked like with Wilco there, however the few seconds after about 1:35 or so made me smile and made me think it worth posting ...
  2. To think that I had it new in 85. 122 USD on Amazon now.
  3. And God created JoJo ... Also, this ends a lot of questions from over the years ...
  4. One of the few good things about coming back from 2 weeks holiday - 3 episodes of Dr Who to watch on iPlayer. Excellent stuff so far - each should have been a double episode at least.
  5. He actively avoids Roadrunner,but if the boys could talk him round it would be epic to see JT and John singing 'radio on' backing vocals. It is easy to learn of course. Fingers crossed.
  6. ... And for me. I have long been a devotee of The Church of the Sacred Swaying Hips of JoJo. Must be such a plus to get people like him and Sir Nick when you do your long stretches. Textbook reporting sir. Thanks. P.S. let's hope they can do something together in an encore ...
  7. Bit too much crash bang wallop to be a classic, but great fun all the same and some great lines. Plus, The Doctor deliberately kills someone shocker!
  8. Life's Rich Pageant - REM. (loud) Rook - Shearwater Stones - Let It Bleed: purely for Gimme Shelter The Whole Love
  9. Not witty but my favourite ever:- The Undertones 'cos with their thick Derry accents I couldn't understand a bloody word, but it was pure magic. Reminded of that by the BBC4 Undertones doc that's just finished. Some great stuff, including the real perfect cousin Kevin. Shame Feargal dedlined to take part. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fgIhtJtsfo Forget your mohawks and safety pins, thats punk fashion as I remember it right there
  10. Thanks for being a special part of my wonder years "Pilots take no special joy in walking. Pilots like flying."
  11. Well, trying not to blow my own trumpet, but maybe some in this thread did not read this http://viachicago.org/topic/46033-sir-george-martin-in-bloody-awful-beatles-track-shocker/ Anyone in the UK in early September might be able to call in this year, though I have not checked if they are taking part in the gardens open day this year. As for my choices, that's pretty hard. There're quite a few I don't listen to that much - and since the linked thread above I am back to having the full catalogue :-) Perhaps I would go with Tell Me Why. That actually gets a bit irritating rather than jus
  12. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/tvandradio/doctor-who/9475370/Doctor-Who-Asylum-of-the-Daleks-spoiler-free-first-review.html
  13. Does Glenn's bum look big in this? (Fast Show reference) Wilco from behind
  14. No, but JT guested with Feist in Sweden
  15. Almost all of this is over my head and I can't say I enjoy his more 'challenging' solo work, but he's such a nice guy I enjoy listening to him speak.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yWjMQmPtrcU
  17. Well I have to say, of all the sports at which women excel and which I am happy to watch, footie is not one of them. They never seem anything other than unbalanced and awkward to me, as if all the women who want to play sport but are too uncoordinated to do anything else end up playing football. Sorry ladies ... However, to their credit they don't do hardly any of the falling down pretending to be hurt stuff that the Wendyball men get up to. I'll stick to rugby ... Meanwhile, caught the Iceland v Hungary handball over lunch streaming on my work PC the other day. A real thriller into double ext
  18. Good stuff from the ascerbic wit of Mr Brooker as usual http://www.guardian....n-looked-on-tin I didn't realise 'you people' never got to see the full ceremony. The Abide With Me segment was one of the most moving - being a little tribute to the 7/7 victims.
  19. Wow - it's no contest to my mind. I always quite liked SBS more than lots of longer term fans here often expressed (except for Walken that is :-) ) but, really, TWL is outstanding. So much more variety and ideas, and some simply tremendous pop melodies, and there's nothing wrong with a smidgeon of good pop.
  20. Added a few days ago and with few views HBO Reverb - some segments available before but not the whole 50 minutes+ apparently. Apologies if it has been posted before.
  21. http://minnesota.publicradio.org/display/web/2011/12/06/theft-of-the-dial-jeff-tweedy/?refid=0
  22. Public school educated. A bit of a buffoon but everyone has a soft spot for him as he says what he thinks without towing the party line. He just thought he was back at Eton playing rugby. Boris = 8 Cameron = 2 Toffs = 1 through 9 They should have definitely been familiar :-) I'm a bit dissappointed by the rash of young former childrens's TV presenters the BBC is pushing forward to cover the mainstream sports - not the gravitas or sports knowlegde we are used to from the greats of the past, but you can't fault what they've done with actual coverage - special temporary TV channels to cover e
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