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Albert Tatlock

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Everything posted by Albert Tatlock

  1. http://www.guardian.co.uk/music/2012/nov/05/rolling-stones-documentary http://www.charlieismydarling.com/
  2. My very first post here was to ask whether it was worth going to see them in London in 2004 - based on the fact that they seemed a bit ropey in the IATTBYH film. That was before I ever heard any boots etc - all that was new to me. Bit of a dumb question to ask on a wilco forum but there you are. Nels had just joined so the sound was much fuller. I think they opened with Muzzle of Bees, and it immediately sounded just right. As for the earlier period - generally I do like a stripped back approach in the music I enjoy, but too often they seemed a bit sloppy, and going back even further I do not
  3. http://www.guardian.co.uk/music/2012/oct/27/paul-mccartney-yoko-ono-beatles-david-frost
  4. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/music/rolling-stones/9637937/Ronnie-Woods-treasured-possessions-go-under-the-hammer-as-ex-wife-gets-even-with-auction.html
  5. An inside glimpse of life under the Nazi regime and a personal tiny rebellion against it. Written just after the war by someone who lived through it himself and was both courted and persecuted by the Nazi administration, and based on a true story.
  6. A taster from the TV series for you peeps
  7. No, must just be tired eyes on Friday night at the end of a long week.
  8. Gimme Shelter Tumbling Dice Way out in front some other favs not mentioned Respectable Let's Spend the Night Together I Just Want To See His Face Everything's Turning To Gold We Love You
  9. Watching the Dave Davies prog now. Just him talking - very nice so far.
  10. They seem to have moved things around since this morning. Try this - not via Google Translate http://www.rtve.es/r...na/570887.shtml
  11. Link to an 8 minute interview with a Spanish radio motormouth. A pretty good one as these things go. http://translate.goo...ved=0CEEQ7gEwAg Charming. Not only but also, big pic slideshow from Seville http://www.abcdesevi...cio-108446.html
  12. Saw it last Friday when broadcast - very good. As I'v mentioned before, Friday night is music night on BBC4 Week before there was a Geoff Lynne doc (did not see) and a few weeks before that an Undertones one that was excellent. Tonight 1hr 20mins in the company of Dave Davies followed by an hour of 'The Kinks at the BBC' compiliation of clips (which has been on before).
  13. "and that's when, off guard, appears Nels Cline and steals his wallet and the will to live" http://translate.goo...ved=0CD0Q7gEwAQ
  14. This one is marvellous http://translate.google.co.uk/translate?hl=en&sl=es&u=http://cultura.elpais.com/cultura/2012/10/16/actualidad/1350339972_024676.html&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dwilco%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dsafari%26sa%3DX%26tbo%3Dd%26biw%3D1024%26bih%3D672%26tbs%3Dqdr:h&sa=X&ei=8qN8UIbHAumw0QXkjYHoCQ&ved=0CF4Q7gEwCA "Topped with a beard in the distance did not seem particularly pruned". Apparently they "faked with pace" ...
  15. I think the Lisbon 67 reference refers to Celtic winning the European Cup there then, though they beat Inter Milan not Madrid. But then they're from Dundee not Glasgow so perhaps slipped up.
  16. Dave Davies doc on BBC4 Friday night - the man himself reminisces.
  17. Not sure if it's a one off or the first of a series ... A few references to their overdogs. http://www.theskinny.co.uk/blogs/303368-on_road_hazey_janes_take_europe_with_wilco I don't think this is that representative of their sound, but this develops into a lovely tune, especially when the guy on the left stops waiting for a bus and joins in the harmony
  18. Well, it was so much fun last time, let's play Google Translate spin the bottle again http://translate.google.co.uk/translate?hl=en&sl=it&u=http://www.distorsioni.net/canali/live-report/wilco&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dwilco%2Bfirenze%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dsafari%26tbo%3Dd%26biw%3D768%26bih%3D928%26tbs%3Dqdr:d&sa=X&ei=73x4ULPELeKw0AWfuYC4Bg&sqi=2&ved=0CFgQ7gEwBw My iPad won't let me copy and paste in here when the page has been translated. Here is the setlist they give though:- - Set list Wilco 11 Ottobre 2012 Ashes of american flag Art of almost Impossible german
  19. http://www.sherwood.it/articolo/2076/wilco-live-report Via Google Translate;- Think it was having trouble with some double negatives at the beginning there. As a Turkish person I once knew used to say e.g. "It's not lovely" instead of "Lovely isn't it". Anyway "The public likes and how".
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