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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. Holy fuck. Tallahassee, here I come.
  2. I'm not really mad. But I'd like to know if I'm supposed to be. I can't really keep up with the moral outrage on this place sometimes.
  3. It'll either hit you like a ton of a bricks about a month from now or you'll forget about it. But do give it another chance in a few weeks.
  4. Did someone just use the "I'm moving to Canada" line? Fuck, that's old.
  5. Who are these people, and who gives a fuck? Why should I be mad?
  6. No, I seriously didn't say that. Calm down.
  7. I think your first bit is a gross oversinplificartion.
  8. Fuck. Man, I really thought we were a playoff team with the pitching coming around, but as soon as that happened, our offense just absolutely fucking died...
  9. South park parodies everyone. No side can claim them for their own.
  10. We haven't gotten one from the 07 show. Not sure if it's the same dealie for you.
  11. Why would you be sad about that?
  12. can't be any more obnoxious than the real michael Moore.
  13. I guess. Fuck, we need to turn this around. Luckily, the pitching is legit. The hitting has to come around, we've got 5 guys OPSing around .550 for the month of august. Simple law of averages says that can't sustain.
  14. Just so everyone knows, my Mom and I want in this year.
  15. WE SUCK AGAIN! Luckily so does everyone else in the east.
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