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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. Great draft for the Heat. I'm happy Riley didn't do anything stupid.
  2. I think you'll have to forgive people for assuming things like that when you paint with such broad strokes. Of course, I realize that it is impossible to lay out your entire belief system on a message board, if people are going to try to work out who you are, all they can go with is what they know, and what they know based on this board is that stuff.
  3. I think he would also be pretty pleased if religion wasn't in anyone's life, seeing as he tries to undercut seemingly everyone's beliefs at every turn. And either way, it seems way too much to ask. Our country is ruled by the will of the people, and if 80% of the people believe in God, shouldn't we then expect that to be reflected in the way our country is run? I understand not wanting to legislate religion, but I'm not going to be pissed off if people vote based on their own morals which are guided by their religion. Just as he and myself and any other atheist would vote based on our morals
  4. I don't think open theism falls under that category. In this instance, you seem to just be mad that people believe something in a personal way, or rather, don't accept all of the trappings of the believing in God under the watchful eyes of the church. The idea of people having a personal relationship with their God that doesn't conveniently allow you to write them off as mindless sheep leaves you grasping for straws. I don't have a problem with railing against organized religion because I'm all for bringing down most overly large, omnipresent groups that have a controlling interest in our li
  5. That makes sense. Unbelievable that he went from 94 to 2008 and actually lowered his ERA .05 points.
  6. Hmm, that is strange. I assumed since offensive levels were higher during his time, it would be the opposite. I also can't believe he was only at 108 when he had seasons of 80, 99, 94, 153, 133, 127, and 106. That seems off...
  7. If Buerhle can continue pitching until he is 42 with no noticable drop in production like Glavine. I think it is also important to note that Glavine was better compared to his league than Buerhle. Baseball production does not happen in a vaccuum. Buerhle has a career 121 ERA+ without any sort of decline phase, whereas Glavine's is at 118 despite his decline phase. Though I will say Glavine isn't as big a slam dunk HOFer as Maddux or Smoltz, and he was never as good as either. Buerhle is very comparable to him, but I'd say he's a major long shot at best to sustain his career as long as Glavi
  8. Matt Garza is pitching against the Marlins today and things are happening. I'm not the type of guy that says what those things are...
  9. Beasley is the best fit for the Heat. They don't need a guy like Mayo...
  10. So since I missed most of their set at Bonnaroo, I'm making sure I don't miss them on their way down here. Bought tickets for their show in August today. I've been spinning EU alot lately.
  11. Yeah. I really hope it's just Riley blowing smoke up everyone's asses...
  12. Riley had better have a really good explanation if he passes on Beasley. I like Haslem as much as the next guy, but you don't pass on a 20-10 guy because of him.
  13. Didn't see their full set, but they did a little acoustic set in the media tent at Langerado that was pretty cool.
  14. I still have trouble believing that that is their logo still.
  15. That first response made me smile, and the 2nd made me vaguely sad.
  16. This is very close to mine. I'd say a good 7 or 8 will be the same.
  17. Looks like it's true. Greatest comedian ever and one of the most intelligent people ever. Listening to him talk about the nature of comedy was one of the most delightful things ever. I love interviews with him. America just lost it's crazy uncle.
  18. ETonline.com is reporting that George Carlin passed away yesterday... I hope it's not true. I haven't been this sad about a celebrity's death in a really long time, probably ever.
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