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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. Unfortunately I work each of the next 6 days, so I won't be able to give this a real proper listen until next week. This is just the first run through.
  2. I likes it. Not sure how much, but that solo on "Lord, I'm Discouraged" is all kinds of 80's power ballad awesome.
  3. I think in a lot of ways, McCartney appeals less to your brain and more to your ear with his music (as opposed to Lennon or Dylan). You don't have to think about his songs, but they are infinitely listenable and very rarely are the lyrics embarassingly bad.
  4. You aren't going to get much for Delgado. Heilman either. Really, last year was their best chance to win it all. Where's the Omar Minaya love now? He put too much stock in aging stars, just like Steve Phillips before him. Must come with being the Mets GM. Fans want names, I guess. I thought adding Santana would make them the team to beat in the NL this year, but now I don't think they are even under performing. This is them.
  5. They were also a pretty terrific group of musicians, especially when Billy Preston was with them. They may not have been virtuosos, but each one of them was a musician in the most pure sense of the word. They knew exactly what they were doing with their instruments and played the perfect notes everytime.
  6. I mean, it's gonna happen. And they aren't going to get any better.
  7. Man, the Mets were just sad to watch. How bout them Marlins only beating bad teams, huh? Let's bring out the brooms against the best team in the NL, shall we?
  8. There are two opinions on "I've Got A Feeling" being expressed in this thread. I don't want to say one of them is wrong, but one of them is definitely right.
  9. Great pitching duel going on right now as Webb is trying to get his 10th win in 10 starts and Ricky Nolasco has gone 7 innings of 3 hit ball to give the Marlins a 2-1 lead.
  10. Why is Beasley a thug? The Bulls taking Rose would be great for the Heat.
  11. The McCartney bits are the best ones, and it is quite possibly the best song the Beatles ever did.
  12. Well it's gotta be difficult to make a kid's move that deals with murder and genocide as it's two biggest themes. Yeah, that is pretty different, I would say. Hmm, I could see fans of the book getting mad about that. People get way too protective of books that are adapted to movies. They need to understand they can't be the same...
  13. Sunday looks awesome. Saturday looks meh.
  14. Well, I actually haven't read the books, so I can't comment on that. I also never saw the first movie (I did actually read that book, though), but I really liked it. His accent wasn't very good, but I thought it was a pretty terrific movie. I did notice a lot of the kids who saw it at the theatre I work at were very dissapointed, and that makes sense. It's not much of a kid's movie.
  15. Saw an extended preview of Wall-E last night before Narnia, and it looks really good. I've loved every Pixar movie but A Bug's Life.
  16. "Things We Said Today", "I've Just Seen A Face", "Fixing A Hole", "She's Leaving Home", "Rocky Raccoon", "And I Love Her", The middle bit of "A Day In The Life", which is definitely the best part of the song, "You Never Give Me Your Money", "Drive My Car".
  17. "Maybe I'm Amazed", "Here Today", "Hey Jude", "I've Got A Feeling", "Penny Lane".
  18. I think anyone who disagrees with me is misguided. And Bjorn, I wasn't talking about the extremes. There are plenty of people who hate all republicans (or Democrats) simply by virtue of them being on the "wrong" side of things.
  19. I mean, I can't really argue with it. Doesn't really excuse people acting like children.
  20. What I don't understand regarding Savage's comments and a shit tonne of comments in this thread and on this board in general (And, really, everywhere) how so many people who are otherwise intelligent, thoughtful people can just blindly hate people for their political ideologies. They would never hate someone they have never met because of their color, or (with the exception of TDW, I guess) religion, but there are scores of people who just hate people simply because they disagree on politics. It's fucking stupid.
  21. Hmm. Seems like a waste of the biggest name they've got, doesn't it?
  22. I listened to a lot of O'Reilly, Savage, and Limbaugh on my road trip last week because it's just entertainment. They are entertaining to listen to because they say outlandish things to piss people off, and it's funny to me.
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