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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. Joining the party a bit late, but not too late to hear some "Pot Kettle Black".
  2. Wow, ok. I don't believe in any of the things you are saying, so I'm not going to comment.
  3. I'm suggesting that they won't go about their handling of the war all that differently (I also generally don't think the way they are talking about going about the war is the right way to handle it.)
  4. I spoke out against the war when it began and I didn't vote for it and I've never talked to a lobbyist. Shouldn't I be president?
  5. I think it's an awfully lame tactic for people to say Obama didn't vote for the war. Sure, he didn't, but that's not really an indicator of anything.
  6. Yeah, not gonna listen to anyone who says 9/11 was an inside job. You can be the most interesting, insightful person in the world, but the minute you say that I can't listen to you anymore.
  7. Man, The Boondocks has to be the 2nd best animated show right now (after South Park.) Brilliant.
  8. I'll be camping out with some friends. I got a media pass from work, so I'll be trying to catch interviews with some artists as well as the press conferences, so if I get anything I'll post it up here. I'm pretty excited this is the first time I've ever done the camping thing at a festival, and it should be a good warmup for Bonnaroo.
  9. He's not going to replace Faneca, but he can work well with good guys around him. He's a good team blocker, but he's not a game changer on his own.
  10. I think to think an Obama election will absolutely garauntee anything other than business as usual is wishful thinking. He is, after all, a politician. Sure he's kind of young, and he's black, and the kids love him, but he's not all that different from the rest. Sure it's possible we see a lot of change during his presidency if it happens. But I wouldn't bet a whole lot of money on it.
  11. He's decent, but he's not earth shattering by any means.
  12. At it's prime, this show was seriously hysterical. It hasn't been very good almost since it was brought back on the air. It has it's moments, but for the most part they try way too hard. I watched a few episodes last season without laughing once. My all time favorite episodes are the ones when Stewie drinks. When he's drunk and tries to jump from the counter to his chair? I die everytime I see that. And also this little exchange, while both are drunk: Stewie: I think the only reason we die... Brian: I know what you are going to say! Stewie: Wait, wait. I think the only reason we die is b
  13. Man, if it weren't for the residency shows, people would be freaking out about these setlists. I really hope they come down here soon and brind the Total Pros.
  14. That Bruins-Panthers game tonight was something else. I love some low scoring hockey (Every now and again). Craig Anderson came up huge with 40 saves and a shutout. Gotta love that from the backup. I think the Panthers have been last in the league in shots allowed for like 4 straight years. It's crazy.
  15. This is dumb. Like seriously, crazy, Rush Limbaugh like levels of dumbness, here. I'm sorry, I wish I didn't have to put it that way, but come on. Seriously?
  16. It's not so expensive, but I'm not sure I can justify it. Maybe if you guys snuck me into the show the next day (Anyone have a big box?)
  17. Well, now I can't go. Someone took my outfit!
  18. McFadden is probably going to be the best player in this draft. I wish the Dolphins didn't already have Brown, as I'd love to see McFadden in teal. As far as immediate impact, Peterson also benefitted from playing on a team with a pretty great line that made things easier for him. Not trying to diminish his impact, just saying it helped. I'll take McFadden over Peterson for the future. Peterson cannot stay healthy, for some reason. Needs to drink his milk, maybe.
  19. bobbob1313


    They might like SBS. They might not. But you can't blame a band for playing their most accessable tunes in front of millions.
  20. bobbob1313


    Yeah, Wilco should've played "Poor Places" and "She's A Jar" on national television, instead of two of their poppiest rock songs.
  21. Yeah, buy that stuff, man. Dude is sick.
  22. I'm actually looking into this. I shouldn't be, but I am. (Flights for 178 dollars. Thats a paycheck for me. I don't think this would be a good idea.)
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