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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. Man, is Ben worth 100 mil, though? He's a good QB, but I can't see him as a $100 million man. Good for him, and as the Dolphins have shown a franchise QB is essential, but it might be a bit much for that QB.
  2. I've been thinking alot about this today, as I was up in the Chicago area visiting cousins I had never met before. Their father (my uncle), moved to South Florida when I was 5, and was pretty much a day to day presence in my life up until his passing when I was 12. He left them when 2 of them were 3, 1 was 5, one was 8 and one was 12, so for the most part, I was with him more than they were (he never made it back to California where they lived at the time). They were supposed to move to Florida, but things got in the way and it never happened. I felt guilty all weekend long, because I can
  3. A month too late for me to attend, I'm afraid.
  4. My thoroughly unscientific choices. I took about 2 minutes for that...
  5. Line of the election: Jon Stewart (To Brian Williams): So, are you biased against Hilary because you are a sexist, or are you biased against Obama because you are a racist?
  6. bobbob1313


    Did Nels fall out of his chair? That was so cool
  7. bobbob1313


    Seriously, why isn't this band more popular? They just put on a show.
  8. bobbob1313


    Oh. My. God. This is gonna be the biggest band in the world tomorrow. Hah.
  9. bobbob1313


    Oh man, that suit was awesome.
  10. bobbob1313


    Alright, this Peter Pan skit is funny.
  11. bobbob1313


    Ah, man the Total Pros make this song go from merely good to awesome. That was a great performance, I don't know how you could see that and not fall in love with this band.
  12. Indeed. Of course, aside from that hour of extremely uncomfortable sleep, I haven't slept in about 30 hours.
  13. In Miami, you see more Yankees hats. For what it is worth.
  14. Well, I didn't die, so that's good. Flight's went on without a hitch, but I was still pretty nervous. Luckily, for the 2nd flight (we had a layover), I fell asleep on the runway and missed the taking off bit.
  15. bobbob1313


    Forget all that other crap, I was watching Conan on DVR from tonight, and who do I see in the final commercial break, but Ellen Page, Andy Sanberg, that one girl who is one the show and is sort of good looking, but in a weird way (like a new Ana Gasteyer), and the rock group Wilco (!) Pretty funny commercial. The guys are just standing there behind everyone and Andy Sanberg says "Jeez, try to keep it down Wilco." and the guys just all look at each other. Surreal. (Also, sidenote: Ellen Page!)
  16. Man, the Panthers cannot hold on to any lead. We suck.
  17. This is my concerning. I have no control over it. I also don't like that if you're plane is going down, you will probably have at least a few seconds realization. The idea of thinking "Oh my god. I'm falling 30,000 feet at 500+ MPH and there is absolutely nothing I can do about it. I am going to die." just really freaks me out. I think I think too much. Maybe I should try some liquor.
  18. My thing is I fly close to 10 times a year, if not more, and I still hate it.
  19. Sounds like it is vaguely, almost unethical, in light of all of the steroids problems lately, but if it continues to help him hit like he has threw 3 games, I'm all for it. I have a really good feeling about him this year. I know everyone expects the Marlins to lose 100+ games and all that (The vegas over under is 68), but I can't see it. Losing Cabrera hurts, but we were so bad in CF last year that Maybin has to be an improvement. RF should also improve, as should catcher and 1B. The pitching also can't be as bad as it was last year, and for that reason alone, I think we improve.
  20. Glad they could pull that squeaker out. Should do wonders for their confidence.
  21. We've been together now for about 40 years.
  22. Well, my thing is I don't really like prescription pills, as I find the side effects are often worse than the problem they fix (though I admit this is in very limited experience). I think I will try to give some of these a shot and let you know if they help.
  23. It's a mix of fear and then fear leading to anxiety, which then makes me nervous about being in an enclosed space. I'll try to keep all of that in mind, thanks!
  24. You know, I always let the trolls get to me. I'm going to stop now.
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