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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. Wait, are people under the impression I prefer bunting and small ball to OBP and stuff?
  2. It has nothing to do with the players or the teams involved. It has to do with the style of play that the Yankees and Red Sox excel at. They have OBP machines down the line. They take alot of pitches. They foul alot of pitches off. They walk alot. The games drag on forever. It is great fundamental baseball if you want to win, but it is exceedingly boring if you have no vested interest in the teams and just want to see some baseball. The Yankees and Red Sox are always among the 5 best teams in the league precisely because of the style of baseball they play, but that doesn't mean that style i
  3. Sox-Yankees isn't any more or less likely to be great than any other series. I would argue the brand of baseball the two teams play is boring to watch. Sure, it is my preferred brand (i.e. not small ball), but it is still really boring to watch, especially when both teams are exceptional at it. The games drag on forever. I'd argue the 2003 post season was a better example of greatness than 2004, and half of it had nothing to do with the Yankees-Sox. They went to 7 games and had a walk off extra innings home run, and that was arguably only the 2nd most exciting series that season (Marlins-
  4. I've been to New England a few times and I legitimately enjoyed my time there. Providence is one of my favorite cities to visit, and the people are mostly wonderful as long as we aren't discussing sports (Which probably goes for any people from any place in the country, really. It's just NE-ers are a bit louder about it) It's probably ESPN's fault. As most things in the world are. But really, I'm not as militant about all this as I seem. If push came to shove, I'd be willing to allow Boston and New England teams to continue playing, and would even allow them to have spectators at their ga
  5. Ok, you are right, it's not worth the bullshit argument you seem to be looking for. You win. Go you. I'm just going to concede to every bullshit argument you've made on this board and call it a day. Sports are as important as religion, thus Brady literally IS God, not just in the figurative way we have been using all year, the Giants didn't really win, and even if they did, they still suck and nobody will remember this Super Bowl tomorrow, Jessica Simpson not only ruins little girls forever, but also Tony Romo (which might say something about Romo), Volkswagen killed Jeff Tweedy and replace
  6. And I'll admit, the 1972 dolphins are probably bigger douchebags than any New England sports fan could ever be. Successful people tend to be douchebags about their success. It comes with the territory.
  7. Absolutely not. It is my opinion, based on my best friend, who is an insufferable douchebag anytime anyone mentions a Boston sports fan, and various message boards, tv shows, and movies, most notably Fever Pitch, which isn't a terrible movie except for the fact that most of the people in the movie are insufferable douchebags. The difference? I'm attacking fans of a sport team, who have, in my experience been annoying douchebags (both in person, and online, with their "we deserve this" mentality). You are attacking the moral fabric that people build their lives upon. You are attacking pe
  8. Seriously, that was the biggest bullshit I've ever heard in my entire life.
  9. I'm still not seeing your qualms with it. I must have really low standards for sports writing. It's ok, man. Nobody will remember this super bowl for any reason whatsoever because the Patriots didn't win. So the pain won't last long.
  10. I'm not sure I see why it's terrible writing, but OK. I actually like Doyel. Believe me, there are much worse sports writers.
  11. And I've been saying this for a while, and people get really annoyed, but Boston sports fans (NE included)n are the worst. Maybe no the ones living in the area, but the hundreds of thousands of assholes outside of NE who root for them certainly are. The Miami Dolphins. They won both the 72 and 73 super bowls. Most people should know this. Good god, that is beautiful. Goosebumps, honestly. A great story on this Super Bowl that sums up my feelings perfectly. Ugly duckling Super Bowl turns on Swann-like catch
  12. The first person who posts the "eli-tyree miracle play" gets a hundred dollars. (or respect)
  13. I do believe that was the single greatest super bowl I've ever seen. I know I'm prone to hyperbole and exageration, but god damn. Everything about this game was incredible. 18-0. That Giants defense playing one of the gutsiest games I've ever seen. They looked dead on that last drive, they gave their all. The MVP should've gone to their entire defensive line. Absolutely brilliant. I get goosebumps just thinking about that play. Seriously, given the circumstances, that has to be the greatest play in NFL history. Fuck the Eli haters. I've been saying it for months. Fuck 'em. Every Giants
  14. I was going to say something. I decided not to.
  15. Dissapointed by the Cool? I think the Cool is far better than Food & Liquer. If anything, I was dissapointed by F&L. The leaked version was so much better than the one that eventually hit stores. The Cool is a jumbled mess, sure, but ignoring that it has no concept despite being a concept album, it is really a great album. The production is tense and sharp, and Lupe's still got the best flow of anyone out there. Sometime's I'll rewind songs 4 times just to catch everything he says.
  16. I'm sorry, but Sidney Crosby's the better player. Ovechkin's pretty great, but Crosby makes the players around him better. Ovechkin might be the more impressive scorer, but I'll take Crosby 10 times out of 10. It's the difference between Gretzky and Lemiux. Lemiux might have been a better scorer, but Gretzky was the playmaker.
  17. Corn based ethanol's usability is one of the biggest lies ever spread to the American public.
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