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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. Yeah I can tell you I play guitar and I can play scales and believe me I am no Nels Cline. The guy is on another planet compared to most guitarists.
  2. From what I got out of it, the guitar smash was more out of frustration from the guitar giving him problems, and him not being able to hear it.
  3. I'd really like to know where I can buy the book where Nels gets his guitar lines, because it's certainly not a book you are going to find everywhere, thats for damn sure. I've never heard a guitarist sound as exciting as Nels does. He plays some of the most inventive solos I've ever heard.
  4. The Who were the type of band who routinely destroyed all of their equipment. I think I can safely say they were pretty damn good "boat floaters". I'm not going to get into a debate about it, but I'll just leave it with this: If you are going to judge the Arcade Fire by one song, or one performance, then you are going to miss out on a once in a generation-type of talent. But, hey! Whatever floats your boat!
  5. I don't want to get into this right now, but "the odd good song"? Really? I'd put these first two albums up against anyone's and I think they'd come out ahead 99% of the time.
  6. I was just thinking about you, man.
  7. I'd put The Arcade Fire up there with them, but other than that these guys are pretty much at the top of the game. Others who I would put up there with them: Radiohead The Flaming Lips Beck The Decemberists.
  8. I get that all the time now. I feel like music takes the place religion should have in my life, by giving me momentary glimpses of something better. I've always felt like religion does nothing for me, but I think you need those transendent moments in your life, no matter how you get them.
  9. Here's our Soprano's style shot in front of the fire place.
  10. This very topic has been the subject of the majority of my thoughts in the past few days. I've realized that when you are younger you need something to get completely wrapped up in, and it takes different forms for everyone. For me, it is music, and at this particular point in my life, the music of Wilco. I think as you get older, and you realize you have more responsibilites, and you have a real life staring you in the face, it is harder to let yourself fall completely in love with a band or even an album. There is so much more out there to worry about, that music starts to feel trivial. But
  11. But she is smoking hot in that movie.
  12. I'm not sure there is a better song in the entire world than the title track.
  13. Boy oh boy oh boy I hope the Masked Hater starts posting some more.
  14. One of those books I've been meaning to read for the last year or so but have never gotten around to it. It sits their silently judging me as I move past it for other books, so I've finally decided to pick it up and get into it. Not too bad so far, but I'm not far in it at all.
  15. I was always a fan of Eisenreich's, and it's probably because I've always thought he had a much bigger impact on the Marlins 97 world series team than he actually did.
  16. This is the review I wrote for my blog-thing: I've always felt like Jeff Tweedy wrote some just heart baring, naked songs but now I realize I was wrong. Or at least I was wrong until now. However much "Via Chicago" or "At Least That's What You Said" sound like they are soul baring, they still sound like the work of an artist who isn't completely comfortable letting down his guard and letting the world see him as he is, blemishes and all. Even at his most emotionally hard hitting songs, I always got the feeling Jeff has felt the need to guard himself from his detractors, or his own insecuriti
  17. I get the feeling that one day, Wilco fans will have access to some of John's amazing work.
  18. I know, that threw me off too!
  19. I got you perfectly fine. Thats what my post was in response to. A more rocking song wouldn't work as well as an opener because the opener needs to set the tone for the rest of the album. Could you imagine "Heavy Metal Drummer" being the opener for YHF? It's the same way you need a mellow song to open SBS because it's a more mellow and subtle album.
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