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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. Can't ask for a better start to the season.
  2. I think this album has his strongest songwriting in terms of lyrics and the structure of the verses, but the melodies can be lacking at times. If there's one thing he's gotten better with as time has gone by it is how to make a listenable song. He's really learned to tighten things up. I still think this is a great, raw album that shows his talent with words. So many lines knock me out, including just about all of "Let's Not Shit Ourselves."
  3. Has it been mentioned how much this will all cost? Fuck it, I'm working all summer. I'll be ok.
  4. The new Gameday with the 3D pFX system is so freaking cool, I might keep it open even when I'm actually watching the game live.
  5. If the pitching staff can stay healthy, I really think they are as good or better than anyone in the NL East. I really think people will be very surprised by our defense this year and we could have a Rays type of run.
  6. We could, potentially put Bonifacio, Maybin and Hanley 1-3 in our lineup and steal 120 bases between the three of them. That would be fun to watch.
  7. Man, I'm no fan of slap hitting, fast dudes with no patience and a bunch of K's playing 3rd, but man is that Bonifacio kid for the Marlins fast. Maybe the fastest player in the majors. He flew around the bases on that inside-the-park homer. Just dumb fast.
  8. Dumb people. Hanley hits his first career grand slam a second after the announcer says he tries too hard with runners on base.
  9. Can hanley hit with runners in scoring position? Can he handle batting third? I fucking think so.
  10. My lady friend is probably a bigger Radiohead fan than a Wilco fan, so it's ok. I think Radiohead is the better band, but I am drawn more to Tweedy's work anyways.
  11. "That ain't Chucky's game. Chucky hacks on 3 and 0." -Chuck Carr One of baseball immortals. It's been way too long since I've seen a baseball game that mattered.
  12. God, Crosby's such a little bitch when it comes to fights. That's the 2nd time he's fought the Panthers. What is that, the 3rd fight of the season for him? I usually don't hate on him, but god he shouldn't be fighting.
  13. I have an 8 page paper on British Imperialism to write tonight. Looks like it'll have to wait.
  14. Looking at his numbers he also hit a ton more doubles in that smaller park. Maybe there's something there. Of course, I know nothing about him. Maybe he got some juice.
  15. Well, Us Cellular is a pretty good park for homers over the years, isn't it? In the AL, I like Shin-Soo Choo as something of a sleeper. Don't think he'll be a $1-$3 kind of guy though. Let me do some research. I don't really know the value guys have in AL only leagues, but here are some guys I like that might be undervalued: Chris Ray should be back and closing for Baltimore before long. Glen Perkins in Minnesota should be able to up his K rate next year and might be able to do a pretty decent low 4 era. Brandon Wood might force his way into the lineup this season for LAA, and w
  16. That's what I thought too. I had heard him talk about this before too.
  17. Our school has a giant, 15 foot spinning cube in front of one of the buildings. Someone last night wrapped paper around it like a rubic's cube.
  18. http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D9...;show_article=1 Obama goes back on tax pledges? What do you guys think. I know some people who are saying Obama was full of shit during the election by saying "I will not raised any taxes on people making less than 250,000", but that seems a bit literal minded. I think it's pretty safe to say he was implying and referring to income, payroll, and the like, not consumption taxes. Technically, yes, he's going back on his promises. But I think it's being way too literal to get mad.
  19. I should probably tell you that it took a lot of willpower for me not to respond to this. Not really.
  20. Picks: AL East New York Boston Tampa Bay Orioles Toronto AL Central Cleveland Minnesota Detroit Chicago Kansas City AL West Los Angeles Oakland Texas Seattle AL MVP: Grady Sizemore, Cleveland AL Cy Young: CC Sabathia, New York AL Rookie of the Year: Travis Snider, Toronto NL East Philadelphia New York Florida Atlanta Washington NL Central Chicago St. Louis Milwaukee Cincinnati Houston Pittsburgh NL West Los Angeles San Francisco Arizona Colorado San Diego NL MVP: Albert Pujols, St. Louis NL Cy Young: Brandon Webb, Arizona NL Rookie of the Year: Cameron Maybin, Flori
  21. He had an 87 OPS+ last season. He's a pretty good player, but he's not worth the hype he's received, and if he was putting up low 800 OPS in the Marlins organization as a 22 year old, he would not have been a top 20 prospect, I guarantee you. Ellsbury should be Johnny Damon, with a better arm. There's tons of value in that, but the hype on him is considerably higher than it would have been playing anywhere else. You can make this out to be more of being anti-Boston, but it's more that big market team's prospects get much more hype than they would if they were anywhere else. This is why ever
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