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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. Dunn probably steps in and is their best player right now, but that means they got Willingham for no reason, because he can't play anything but LF or 1B. Unless they want Dunn to play RF, in which case he becomes significantly less valuable because he's probably the worst RFer in baseball. Ideally, you have an outfield of Dunn, Milledge, and Dukes, but then you are wasting Willingham's bat. The rest of the guys are 4th or 5th outfield type guys, but most of them are already under contract and probably guaranteed a roster spot. Or you put Dunn at first and have Willingham at LF, but that onl
  2. Makes no sense for them, the one thing they don't need is another outfielder or 1B. Dunn, Young, Johnson, Milledge, Dukes, Patterson, Willingham, Wily Mo Pena, and Austin Kearns, Most teams only carry 12-13 hitters, and they've got 9-10 between just OF and 1B, with most of them already under contract.
  3. I just think he's doing a really good job with a bunch of crap, and that the team doesn't play defense is partially his fault, and partially Zeke's fault for putting together a bunch of players who just absolutely could not play together. Also, Golden State is the 2nd highest scoring team in the league, and the roster really doesn't have anyone that plays defense anyways. I understand being upset, but he's proven to be a very good talent evaluator, and the style he runs can really set a team up for long term success as long as they don't buckle under pressure from dumb fans and sportswriter
  4. Whatever, Matt. I brought up Zeke because it shows just how much that team has improved, and I was asking whether he'd rather have still had Thomas. This makes sense to me. I thought you were getting pissed about the team's bad results, which would not really be in his control or his fault. It seems short sighted to complain about the results of a coach who isn't doing all that terribly in his first 4 months, especially because it cannot be argued that he hasn't turned that team around and gotten a lot out of a really terrible roster, but it makes more sense that you are just against the
  5. I'm assuming, then, that you aren't one of those people who gets all pissy about high CEO salaries?
  6. Well, D'Antoni has a proven track record of being able to build a successful franchise that can run efficiently. The Suns during his time at the helm may never have won it all, but they were a well run organization that was able to consistently plug in pieces and then trade them for over market value because the system they ran made them look better than they were. I would take more than 4 months before I started judging him, especially since he's essentially dealing with the worst put together roster in the league.
  7. I wouldn't worry about that. Hipsters don't make up a huge part of the Roo crowd.
  8. Bjorn complained about D'Antoni. I figured there'd be some kind of honeymoon period solely because he isn't Isiah.
  9. I wasn't saying that. I just figured a Knicks fan would be happy with anyone but Zeke.
  10. More so than "He does things that everyone does, but I hate him and only him for it."
  11. Just have some consistency, is all. Superstars in basketball have always made a show of how upset they are when they don't get calls. Mostly because they know that in the NBA, they generally do get 95% of the calls.
  12. The fact that he passed Dan Marino for all of those records makes me sad, because there's no doubt in my mind that Marino was a far better quarterback (Not just than Favre, but pretty much anyone ever.)
  13. Good riddance. I haven't been able to stand him in about 6 years. I hate the way the media has always covered him, and he's always come off as a douche to me. And the last few years of jerking the Packers around has just made me feel stronger. To expound on why I hate him, he gets credit for being "a gunslinger who makes things happen", and while the way he plays is surely fun to watch, he's not a very good quarterback, and he too often would make decisions that hurt his team. Every once in a while he'd get lucky and the underhand throw as he's being sacked would be caught for a touchdown (s
  14. So players have always done the same shit as Kobe, but you hate Kobe for it and find it charming when Jordan or Bird did it? Have you been reading the MLB thread or something?
  15. Yeah, if I had to make my pick right now, I'd go with Wieters and Maybin. Wieters is going to be a force to be reckoned with. Baseball Prospectus is ridiculously high on Wieters, projecting him for 19 homers and 63 rbi over 400 PA with a .310/.400/.540 line, which would probably make him one of the 3 best catchers in the league. They aren't as high on Maybin, but they still project a .270/.350/.430 line with 13 homers and 18 steals, which with his defense could make him enormously valuable right away.
  16. Anyone know if he's rescheduling his show in Miami since Langerado was cancelled?
  17. Matt Wieters. He's gonna be the best catcher in baseball. He might be the best catcher from day one, from what I've read.
  18. Well, it all depends on the degree to which you are using them, I would think. But I could definitely see how, during August and September, they could help a lot.
  19. MLB, the Owners and the commissioner cannot, as far as I can tell, unilaterally impose regulations like that without it being first collectively bargained. The Player's Union is very strong in this way. Some more interesting tidbits regarding the "legality" of steroids within the game: QUOTE For those who believe that steroids were against the rules of MLB beginning in 1991, I suggest you follow this link to MLB.com:
  20. If you try to improve as a player by taking steroids so you can make more money, your team will improve. It doesn't matter why they did it, the end result is they play better and their team improves. And your characterization of the way I watch baseball is intentionally stupid. Whatever. You implied that a spitball is used in an isolated situation. That's bullshit and you know it. Just as nobody really believes players when they say they just did steroids once, it would be ridiculous to believe someone only uses a spit/scuff ball once. And I'll say it again, applauding one cheater and then say
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