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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. I realize it's a totally empty gesture. Just saying.
  2. That was just in response to someone saying the CEOs should take a pay cut. I know it doesn't matter what their salary is.
  3. didn't the executives offer to work for a $1 next year?
  4. I would assume it's some sort of measure of how close his total production is to his production in higher leverage situations, but I'm just not sure what a good number would be. Reggie Jackson rates as unclutch.
  5. I'm not exactly sure how that is calculated or what the numbers actually signify, but there you go. Arod isn't clutch. And from a tiny sample size of notoriously "clutch" guys (Ortiz and Jeter), clutch isn't a repeatable skill, since both of those guys pretty much fluctuate year to year. Also, that shows that Arod was unclutch before he got to New York. Whatever.
  6. I won't buy that he doesn't hit in the clutch until someone shows me exactly what "clutch" is and then can prove, using statistics and not anectdotal evidence, that he hasn't come through in those situations.
  7. He had two bad postseasons in 05 and 06. He was probably the Yankees best hitter in the Cleveland series, from what I remember of it. And the Putz trade is a better one for the Mets than the K-Rod signing, because he'll actually be used to pitch in high leverage situations, unlike Rodriguez, who will have the cushy closer's role. They also gave up Joe Smith, who was one of their better bullpen arms last year and Heilman who I think could still be pretty good.
  8. this probably seems like a strange request, but I'm gonna be up in the city from the 27-31, and was wondering if any of you guys might have a spare couch or spot on your floor for me any of those night. I'm trying to save on hotel costs. I can't offer much beyond a seemingly endless supply of baseball knowledge and decent conversation, but if any of you can give me some help, a pm would be greatly appreciated. thanks, BobtotheBob 1313 Miami, Florida
  9. Well, perhaps Mississippi state fans can help?
  10. Any Ole Miss fans want to tell me about Wesley Carroll? Apparently he's transferring to FIU.
  11. I fully agree with this. It might not even be the best song on the album. I was just saying.
  12. We've brought in free agents before, we've shown a willingness to spend a little to make a run. BUt until the new stadium is done (Ground breaking in february? Fingers crossed), they don't have the revenue streem to throw money.
  13. "The Greatest Man That Ever Lived" is probably the best song ever made.
  14. They need middle relief help more than anything. Starting pitching is 2nd on the list. Tossing a bunch of money for the last three outs is pointless if you can't get the first 24. Also, you probably will need another first baseman before long. I remember very recently, every Mets fan in the world was bitching and moaning about his 2 month slump. I'd also be slightly worried about my LF production.
  15. The chorus on "Even Cowgirls Get The Blues" is fucking spectacular.
  16. I've listened to this album 6 times tonight
  17. Maker, between patting yourself on the back and fellating yourself for your superior intellect, how do you find the time to post?
  18. Interesting stuff! I did not know all of that.
  19. Chaos and Creation In The Backyard is quite good too.
  20. I'll second this. That show is great.
  21. Wingspan is a pretty good starting point. Got a lot of his singles.
  22. 5th. Behind Texas, Florida, Oklahoma, and USC. Can't really argue with that. They probably aren't better than any of those teams, but are probably no worse than PSU.
  23. Well, actually only two bands that I really dislike (Dashboard, Gym Class Heroes) and a bunch that I just find really boring (the jam bands).
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