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Everything posted by Chendizzle

  1. After 2 listens, this is sounding really awesome. 2007=amazing This place is like a mansion, it's like a MANSION. LOOK AT ALL THIS STUFF!!!
  2. Haha whatever, all the power to him, you never know he could end up meeting someone nice.
  3. Ok sorry to go off topic, but I gotta stick up for my man Marx: Communism has NOTHING to do with opposing individual liberty or everyone having the same amount of money or wearing the same shirt any of the gobbledeegook that conventional American thinking would have you believe. Communism is one thing and one thing only: when the workers who produce the surplus value are the same entity that appropriate and distribute the surplus value. That's it, that's all it has ever been. If you are referring to Cuba/USSR/North Korea/whatever, the bastardized thing they do is really state capitalism. I jus
  4. The Wrens - Hopeless in fact, The Meadowlands is pretty much one big fuck you album.
  5. Ticketmaster locked me out at 9:59 because I was refreshing too much...fantastic. edit: Fucking dumb...just missed the presale yesterday, and today Ticketmaster locks me out when they go on sale, so I end up in the middle ofr the venue. Sigh, my first RA experience is not shaping up well. /rant
  6. Itunes Plus is DRM free, however:
  7. They've added a second Boston area show at the Middle East in Cambridge, June 22. Now I have to decide if I want to go 2 nights in a row, hmm.
  8. Damn, missed this presale as well!
  9. I'm holding off on this until a proper leak. Nothing like a radio rip to make me lose confidence in an album before I've even heard it properly.
  10. You misread that, I was just saying that I didn't read most of it because I didn't care (trying to indicate I have no actual stake in the thread), not because I thought I couldn't due to it being locked. So what if it was 41 pages of crap? No one's forcing you to read every last bit. Many threads here degenerate into nonsense, so I don't know how that is a defense (see: this thread itself). I swear I'm not trying to stir stuff up here, I just thought it strange since it didn't seem to warrant locking to me, nothing particulary nasty was going on. Oh well, carry on good VCers.
  11. Due to that show, there is a radio rip floating out there somewhere...
  12. Why did the other thread have to be locked? I didn't read most of it and don't care how long it goes on, but the excuse that "The subject seems to have been pretty well talked out at this point" is lacking. The mods get to decide when people can stop discussing something?
  13. Pretty pimp. Go on Soof, get your rock on.
  14. Cheating style with an EP (albeit a 30 min long EP): The National Sad Songs for Dirty Lovers Cherry Tree EP Alligator Boxer
  15. The National - White Sessions edit: holy shit, the extended outro on Squalor Victoria is breathtaking.
  16. I don't know if this has been mentioned or not (I skipped ahead at around page 13), but this thread is the poster child for Godwin's Law. Anywho, time to mark all read and move on.
  17. So my hope that his arm would be better by June 29th and I will get to see him play guitar is dashed?
  18. You clearly haven't heard the Mellencamp song, "Our Country", played roughly 178 times a second in every tv market. When commercial time came during this past football season, you knew it was coming, and you knew it was gonna drive you batshit. Who's country is it John? THIS IS OUUUURRRRR COOOUUNTRY! Fade away good sir? No, I am scarred forever. Fuck you Chevy Silverados.
  19. My least fave part of the album, I'd like Shake It Off a lot more without it.
  20. That's a good point. There's a car commercial out there with Huddle Formation by the Go! Team in it, and I love hearing that come on, I think it fits the commercial and its such a happy and fun song anyway. To be fair, they are crazy Canadians and didn't know University of Phoenix was a little shady: Anyway, whatevs to Wilco, it's their shit, they can make money off it if they please. I just remember Isaac Brock's rationale behind licensing Gravity Rides Everything for a van commercial: dude needed some cash money.
  21. Seriously, how did this not make the album? I wasn't even a huge fan of the live version, but I'll reiterate how good this is.
  22. This came out really nice in the studio, pretty freakin awesome. ahem, Dream SBS tracklist: 1. You Are My Face 2. The Thanks I Get 3. Sky Blue Sky 4. Impossible Germany 5. Side With the Seeds 6. Let's Not Get Carried Away 7. Please Be Patient With Me 8. Let's Fight 9. Walken 10. Leave Me Like You Found Me 11. Hate it Here 12. On and On and On The Thanks I Get would be the single instead of What Light, One True Vine as b-side still. What Light/Shake It Off/Either Way can become bonus tracks/never see the light of day (for all I care anyway )
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