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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. How so? I mean she is an important symbolic figure obviously. She was vita groups for what she is known for, but what did she do that shaped the US? I would argue that Fredrick Douglas from that time period was more influential. Generally the people on the currency have had huge influences in shaping the nation. So I'm curious.
  2. Lucifer is pissed at Boehner. He (Lucifer) has never been compared to anything so hideous before.
  3. Some guy at the National Review wrote an opinion piece about how Jackson was a DEMOCRAT (never mind that the conservative party was the Democratic party back then) and that Tubman, voted republican, carried a pistol and was a regular church goer so she would fit in perfectly with todays republican party. Me? I really don't care, If the $20 is still worth $20, then I am good with it. I don't know that Tubman is a large enough figure in American history, but i was not on any of the committees that discussed this issue, so I don't know why that choice was made.
  4. I saw that. Last week there was a story that a flight he was on was redirected due to a medical emergency. Wild.
  5. Pretty much like most of what they did from BIB and prior, after that it's a crap shoot for me.
  6. Maybe seeing that all the others have hung it up Angus will do some solo acoustic work?
  7. Bill Walton Interview re: the Dead on Salon... http://www.salon.com/2016/04/16/i_am_the_human_being_that_i_am_today_because_of_the_grateful_dead_bill_walton_shares_life_lessons_from_859_shows/
  8. It's true he's using the very same amplifier/guitar rack/throne that Grohl had built. I guess it's a trend now.
  9. I really don't recall Ted being on any top 100 guitarist list on Rolling Stone going back as long as I can remember. I also recall that RS has never been a big fan of his even in the 70's, long before he became the guy he is today. So I don't think his politics are keeping him from anything, he's just never been in RS's radar.
  10. He's using Dave Grohls throne.
  11. I've got Trouble Boys going, so far so good.
  12. It still moves get the deluxe reissue treatment May 27th... Hello Friends! We hope April 4th is everything you wanted and more. Only about three more weeks until we see all of your beautiful faces back out on the road. This morning we announced the reissue of It Still Moves remixed and remastered as a special deluxe package including new artwork and exclusive photos. Out on May 27th, the special release includes ten of Jim’s original demos plus three never-before-heard demos from the original sessions. For Jim ISM is the only album that he feels may have been left somewhat unfinished. With
  13. What are the odds that every scheduled show actually happens?
  14. Remember how often it was said that people would rather have a beer with BUsh than with Gore, so that became a basis for voting. Competence, ideas etc... all took a back seat.
  15. I did this quite a while ago. Ill have to look for the list and do some updating. Maybe a rainy day project.
  16. You're right, how is that racist? But could you help a brother out and fill me in on how or why Trump came to the conclusion that the guy is probably ISIS related?
  17. Trump draws vitriol because he spews it. The beneficiary is Cruz. People are so focused on the circus that is Trump that the toxic obnoxious Cruz has flown under the general publics radar
  18. I also fear that this will bring out the people who will, ummmm not use their fists and big boy words anymore. I have a feeling that the violence of Trump rallies will get worse, the us against them vibe is so damned strong with him and his crowd. Still less of a fucktard than Cruz.
  19. Trump rally stopped in Chicago tonight. Looks like as many anti-Trumpers got in as there were pro-Trumpers. While I do not advocate violence or shutting down opposing views, everyone should have their voice heard, even if that voice is horrid., I do find it refreshing that the trumpites are getting a taste of their own medicine tonight. Also I found this to be amusing... https://www.dnainfo.com/chicago/20160310/lincoln-park/wieners-circle-sells-trump-footlong3-inch-hot-dogsthis-weekend
  20. ELP was right in my prog rock wheelhouse for a few years there. Then... Sorry to see him go though.
  21. Heidi Kluhm has babies, Bristol Palin (a far more likely candidate for the scenario you propose) heck even Chelsea Cljnton.
  22. Why Kanye? Why not Mivhael J Fox or Tom Hanks?
  23. Me too. There is the initial shock, but then life goes on.
  24. People keep saying that they like Trump because he speaks his mind, they don't seem to consider that maybe his mind is not right.
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