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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. Shovels and Rope - Busted Juke Box Ty Segall - Ty Rex Local H - Awesome Mix Tape Vol I & II Paul Weller - Studio 150 & button Downs (Disc 3 of the FLy on the wall set) Camper Von Bethoven - Tusk Pussy Galore - Exile on Main Street Anthrax - Anthems (is this I Tunes only?) Rage Against the Machine - Renegades Cheap Trick - Sgt Peppers
  2. Remember too that not all governors are equal either. SOme governors have much more power than other's simply by virtue of the way their particular state has set up the office. Also I've asked this of others, but has there been any successful governors or presidents who had no previous government experience? Business people. ( i consider generals to have had government experience as the military is part of the government.)
  3. The Chicago show from last week is available for download for free through Springsteen's site for a limited time. Till tomorrow @7pm I think.
  4. Im going to guess that the coverage of this in the right wing media will be minimal to non-existent.
  5. Snowblind - Sabbath or is that the wrong kind of snow? Riding the storm out - REO
  6. I live in a very conservative area. One person I know travels any time he and his wife have the opportunity to hear her speak. They've gone up to 1,000 miles to hear her talk. Other than being very far apart on politics these are very nice people whose kids grew up with my kids. My sis in law said that she would seriously consider voting for Palin for president. Right now her and her husband are solidly behind Cruz and Trump who both make total sense to them. It's kind of weird because in 2000 some tea party types ( before the actual t party. These were no compromise take no prisoners typ
  7. I wasnt referring to TV, i'm well aware that she is not on TV right now. I was wondering how much stupid shit can she say before the public wises up and ignores her so she will go away. Sadly she wont go away. Even more sad...people take her seriously. I have friends who consider her a serious politician that needs to be running the country.
  8. How many sharks can Palin jump before she gets cancelled? I think, purely cynically, that Palins motivation for endorsing Trump has nothing to do with hoping he becomes president. Nope, I think it has much more to do with positioning herself for lucrative media opportunities that might come her way from Trump.
  9. Died at age 67 http://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/david-bowie-drummer-dale-griffin-7200947
  10. Iran and the US are exchanging prisoners. 5 americans freed from Iranian jails and 7 Iranians freed. //snark on Another failure of the Obama administration. We should have bombed them into submission a long time ago. its the only diplomacy that works. //snark off.
  11. I wonder what sort of stuff Bowie has in his "vaults" I would think that his estate could do something similar to Dylan's bootleg series.
  12. Steven Avery getting Parole. Conservatives supporting Obama The Smiths and Talking Heads reuniting and going on tour as a package Morrissey eating meat
  13. Wow. His image is everywhere right now because of the new album. I'm not a huge fan, but his impact is undeniable.
  14. Should it or shouldn't it is a separate discussion, the fact is that federal law does trump state law. That is a well settled issue. Article VI, para 2. It's my opinion that in the modern era with our population being fairly mobile that maybe the time for states and separate laws for them might be at an end. Sure maintain their integrity and allow this state or that state to manage their resources, levy taxes etc... But perhaps it's time for criminal laws and other laws governing society to be made uniform across the country. Just a thought.
  15. Well, the sherif asked them to leave and they said no. I guess law enforcement is out of ideas. And Now that ahole in Alabama is defying the courts and pretty much saying that federal law does not trump state law. So we have one more defiant jerk. What makes us a nation is our laws and sticking to them. These people who say no not this law or not that law are tearing apart the very fabric of our country.
  16. Hmm forgive me for inferring that the tone of several posters has been to ignore them and they will go away. It is how I have read this. That's where I get the notion that nothing should be done. I know law enforcement is monitoring them, but not so closely that people are not slipping in and out fairly freely. The press should be kept outside a fairly wide perimeter, guys on horseback shouldn't be allowed to saunter into camp etc... So much for any sort of, well anything. In the long run I would wager that these guys go home, no or minor charges and they will be back in another year or two to
  17. Earlier in this thread or the previous one a distinction was made between carrying a weapon and brandishing. Brandishing was considered cause for being shot. My pointing out that these people are clearly brandishing, and outright threatening federal officials and nothing being done about is bull. But any sort of action plays into their hands. m
  18. I actually don't want anyone killed or even injured. What I want is this stupid shit, this ignorance, this f'd up movement suppressed in such a manner that a message is sent and common sense takes hold. I know that violence just creates more violence. For years I've been against escalation of violence because ultimately that just creates more people who hate us and want to take up arms against us leading to more bombing etc.., With these idiots we let them have their way two years ago. Why? Because they had the implied threat of violence so today none of them went to jail, Bundy still owe
  19. If you let it go it will happen again and again. Nope, can't do it. It only emboldens the militants/terrorists...I've heard that somewhere.
  20. The man under the tarp pretty much said he will die fighting rather than live in a concrete box. To my mind he is directly threatening law enforcement, much more so than a man holding a BB gun on his shoulder in a Walmart. I wonder where Lon Horuchi is these days?
  21. Ok so MSNBC interviewed one of those a holed out in Oregon. He is staying under a blue tarp, which brings to mind the song man in a box. There has to be a man under tarp parody out there. Anyhow he is not the first one of these assholes to suggest or out right say that they will not be taken alive. In my mind when they say shit like that while holding weapons they are in fact brandishing them and threatening federal and local law enforcement. These guys are not peaceful protestors they are armed militants looking for a confrontation. To hell with them, this needs to be supressed now. The fact
  22. None. I have some that I bought faithfully over the years, but then they reached a point where there might be a couple of clunkers in a row. At that point I have generally stopped buying and don't buy the next until I hear something I want to listen to again.
  23. QE I or II? Either way kind of cool.
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