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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. I think he still has all the privledges and powers of the office as long as he is Guv regardless of the indictment. That is why I would expect an impeachment fairly quickly, there are already calls otu there to begin proceedings. I would also expect any impeachment to be fairly quick and bi-partisan, i'd bet they could be done with it before the weeklend if they put their minds to it. The only thing that could hold it up would be if impeachment is procedurally cumbersome.
  2. What kind of idiot goes and commits a crime knowing full well that he is under the microscope. Looks like he was trading funding for Wrigley in exchaneg for action on unfavorable editorials. There are irregular fundraising issues involved and of course irregularities in the appointment of a new senator. The thing is 76 pages long, but the charges are in the first eight pages with the rest being details on the investigation & stuff.
  3. Not much out on the news yet. But it appears that Gov Rod has been arrested for irregualrities in the selection of a new senator. It sounds like he may have been selling the seat possibly?
  4. They are going to try many many things trying to unseat him. The one that hit the SC last week had been turned down by Breyer (or souter, can't remember right now), but Thomas picked it up to bring before the whole court to review. It was rejected without comment today. But there are more challenges in the pipeline to keep him out of office before he gets sworn in. One suit even wants a re-do on the election on the basis that Neither Obama or McCain qualifies as a natural born citizen (Panama Canal zone maybe, but Hawaii?). It's just crazy.
  5. They may very well use torture, but it is not official policy. But over the past few years there have been US interrogators from WWII discussing how torture does not work. I think the Israeli's know this.
  6. One thing that I find interesting about Israel, is that they are on and have been on the front lines of this mess that GWB has labeled the war on terror, for far longer than the US and yet they don't torture and have a tendency to treat their prisoners more humanely than we do...or so I have read.
  7. Jimi Hendrix played with the modern lovers? Weird combo there. /humor off.
  8. Other than local politics (courting the Jewish and other religious voters), and religious background I have always had a hard time seeing why the US Supports Israel so fervently. Our strategic interests lay with the Oil countries, but our emotional ties have always been with Israel. When I was a kid it was to me a product of the cold war. Russia supported Egypt, Syria and Iraq so we naturally supported Israel. That sort of made sense to my pre-teen mind. The first oil embargo in 1973 changed my mind on that one as I quickly saw who were the countries where our actual long term strategic i
  9. These people were/are really well organized and motivated. They have done a good job working towards achieving their goals. SImilar Bush loyalists could do the same thing with, though as of now I don't see anything ioncorporated or as well organized as te Reagan group is.
  10. They did annd have beenn doing the same thing with Reagan. It began before his term eneded and they had a goal of soemthing named after him in every state, county and municipality if possible. They basically did the same thing though they went out and told the story as they wanted it told with the goal of elevating him into the upper pantheon of great presidents.
  11. I'm the same way I prefer his vocals, the music and the lyrics are more raw and listenable. After he left I tried Number of the beast and it had a couple of numbers I liked but it seemed more like product to me than the first two (and Maiden Japan) did. Of course nowadays it Maiden seems almost comical compared to bands like Slayer.
  12. I would have guessed that this was found in a 2000 year old highschool locker...I was wrong.
  13. For me my favorites have always been Murmur/Reckoning. They were both exciting and mysterious and so far out of the mainstream at the time that they really stood out. Great great stuff. After that it all varies for me depending on my current mood. Based on my mood right now I would take my order on them to be: Murmur/Reconking New Adventures Document Lifes Rich Pagent Out of Time Automatic Green Fables Monster Up Accelerate Reveal Around the Sun Fables is getting a lot of love here, but I never have warmed up to it. I know it has some great songs on it and that lots of people love i
  14. I agree that this is horrific and sad, but to answer the questions (which I assume were rhetorical but I'll answer anyway) The answer to both questions is you get you mind conditioned to the notion that the target is just that a target, not a human being. You dehumanize them and it makes it so much easier to do. Miltaries have been doing it for centuries, including ours. In WWI it was the Hun that had to be killed, not Frans the family man. In WWII it was Nips and krauts. Korea, the Commies, Vietnam it was gooks, slopes etc... When I was in we were conditioned to hate Russians, comies
  15. The stoary I read said she was trampled but the baby was going to be OK, had this changed? Either way this is messed up and there is no good reason whatsoever to behave like this. Not for the Who and not for a low priced TV or a Wii.
  16. The Jam Snap is a pretty good overview of the bands career. Regualr Albums? Try Sound Effects & All Mod Cons
  17. Loved this album, still do. Still have the poster and the 8X10 glossy's that came with it. We had one of those. Then when 8-tracks came out we got what I refer to as an advanced close & play it was one of those all in one things with the plastic lid that popped uo revealing the turn table. Had lots of listening time on those things. I still love Husker Du's version of Helter Skelter. I imagine it as being more in line with what Chucky Manson heard in his head. Great album top to bottom though, even obladi...
  18. It's time to kill this thing and move a presidential transition thread. Quick little story. My kids hate my facial hair. The other day my son was talking to me about at least shaving away all the grey hair. He then proceeded to trace out on my face what needs to go. He got the upper lip and pretty much said the ends needed to go but the middle could stay. I asked him if he knew why that was not going to be a good look for me when the lightbulb went off in his mind. I blame the writer for using historicly inaccurate information on both men while trying to link a good decent man
  19. So Fredo keeps his job? I can see both siides of the story, my gut instinct tells me that Fredo Lieberman should be eviscerated and sent packing. But the thinking side of me sees the good this can do since it is all too obvious that Obama saved his worthless ass. Hagel gave the republican party and their media rabble rousers waht for today. Good stuff. Hagel takes aim at Limbaugh, Senate colleagues Posted: 03:13 PM ET Hagel had sharp words for Rush Limbaugh Tuesday. (CNN)
  20. Dylan, Johnny Cash & Radiohead to name a few. Dylan I was always aware of and knew the biggies. Knew the context of his rise and his influence on music in the 1960
  21. The ones who want to crucify him are already shouting and to my knowledge they are the ones who came up witht he whole messiah thing in the first place...the right wing media. (Limbaugh, Hannity, Fox, ORiely etc...). The Bush's as a couple are more formal and stiff when they appeaer together. Not sure if that coems from living in a very high profile family for so long or if it is calculated to make them appear more formal and powerful or some other reason. Probably a combination of factors.
  22. This is probably already old news but not to me... Date set for new Bruce Springsteen CD Recommend Comments November 17, 2008 FROM BILLBOARD Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band
  23. Duval is the belgian brew I was tryign to come up with earlier in the thread. Good stuff but abotu as close to being beer as triple bock was.
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