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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. The whole week for the Republicans has been about pre-positioning. They have a prepositioned excuse in Ifill if Palin performs poorly ditto for how the press handles her. If she perfomrs poorly but Biden treats her the way McCain treated Obama, they have another pre-positoned excuse. And on and on. They have this thing set, through the help of the press spreading the republicans versions of these stories, set so regardless of how well or poorly Palin does, they can not lose.
  2. I'm guessing that thse interviews simply reinforce his annd republicans views to never trust the press because they actually might print or broadcast what you actually say rather than simply take the message and run.
  3. But the quote is what you say today while a week ago it was the ability to appoint SC justices. Funny your top two reasons are also reasons I can't vote for the current republican ticket.
  4. Interesting, hundreds of pages of posts of railing against Obama and this is the first I hear of this being your main reason for not voting for him. All along I thought it was because he is not a conservative.
  5. In the Couric interview I did find it interesting that Palin thought that there was a right to privacy granted in the constitution. Isn
  6. I work with law (tax law) all the time and judges do come to decisions based on what the law says. The problem is the interpretation of what the law says (including true intent of the law etc
  7. I think Toy Story is better than Toy Story two and Shrek & Beauty and the beast are too far down the list for me. Love Fantasia (1940), thought Incredibles, Wall-e, Ratatouille, & Bugs life were OK at best. I love the Simpsons, but one of the greats? Where is Heavy Metal?
  8. I feel bad for Cub fans, they have been polishing their world series trophy since March and now this? It
  9. And isn't a major bone with the right that they complain about the SC legislating fromt he bench? Seemes like given their hostility towards the bench that she shoudl have had a laundry list of cases, or is it just Roe? I've read it. It's convoluted, but it does nto babble on and produce a decision out of thin air, there is a rhyme and reason to it. But put that debate in context, how long did she have to prepare an dhow long had she been discussing local issues? FThe VP debate will be vastly different especially since there are two sides to the coin, and it appears that Palin is
  10. Like the pagent people and Alaska Independance people or the church she belonged to until she got into politics Palin has had in her life? I'm pretty sure that is where you were going...right?
  11. I comfortable with my masculinity and in touch with my feminine side so I have no problems waching chick stuff.
  12. Wow, Elizabeth Hasselbeck is a brainwashed talking point recitation machine who apparently has not one original thought or phrase to utter in support of her chosen candidates. On the view today they got into a heated discussion of Sara Palins qualifications to be president. Lizzy recited the usual litany of talking points. Among other things she called Palin and energy expert, and said she has led a brigade, ummmm not really on either point she is simply the titular head of the NG up there and has led nothing, and well, she showed what an expert on energy she is yesterday. And how Barbra b
  13. McCain was Born in the Panama Canal Zone and frequently moved with his father
  14. Congrats you bought the narrative. Someone send a box of cookies to Rove & co there are people out there buying the narrative they set out about Obama.
  15. Nice Photo spread in the Trib... http://www.chicagotribune.com/features/pho...92.photogallery
  16. The responses fom Jacob have consistently been the same so I have little doubt that his opinion has been swayed one way or the other by this board.
  17. He probably does understand the world better than McCain. All McCain has is experience, the quality of that experience is in question as is his judgement on how he woudl react in the future. Odds are that he would repeat the questionable judgement of the past.
  18. Does McCain have to deal with this stuff? http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/us/2008/0...obama.sign.cf13 Palin has also talked about the media not wanting a joe-sixpack in the white house I would hope that we all would not want an average American Joe-sixpack in the white house. I don
  19. You can also get life in Pontiac, Menard, Danville etc...
  20. Great now the righties are going to accuse you of talking about her pregnancies.
  21. Don't forget that Biden is a doofus and the press is bad.
  22. I think that with sports, football especially I think, you find clusters of fans who are of certain ages who identify with the teams who were winning when they were becoming aware of the game. With the Packers there are lots of late 50
  23. I live in central Illinois and it seems like north of 1-74 it
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