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Everything posted by oceanman

  1. Cables man.................Cables. Not that I'm one to talk, but I would spend over a hundred bucks on a cable before anything else. I would trade in 3/4 of my mics for one good cable, and maybe a headphone pre amp tree.
  2. The chances of Talking Heads getting back together is as lilkely as Joe Strummer coming back from the dead to do a Clash reunion. I would like to see a Whiskey Town reunion.
  3. pm me though I will be buying this when released.
  4. Was the guitar track pre amped? It sounds so full of life, great job. The vocals alone are good but loosing the warmth of say your voice live or face to face. A little tweaking and you'll sound like a million bucks. Man I need a good mic pre amp. Good job, and good song!
  5. Into the open..............Heartless Bastards
  6. I just got a few books from stewmac and am loving them. Any more info and I will eventually put myself out of buisness!
  7. Hey Ms Y, whats your plans for the Kentucky show. I might be able to work this if I plan it now. PM me and lets chat! Edit: I'm going...........now where the hell am I staying?
  8. You would loose way too much tone. If you really wan't to keep the Ampeg I would go to a custom cab builder and mod it from there. If you really wan't the Hot Rod tone than I say pick up a used one. These dudes can mod your brains out. http://www.vintone.com/aboutvintone.html
  9. I really enjoyed it, as a first timer and all!
  10. Home sweet home! This part of the site is really the only true example of shared love and knowledge. I don't recall any bickering at any point or low blows at anyone. You guys do it right. I wish some other fine players on VC would drop in more often, and I know there are a shit ton of them with great talents. Keeping things clean doesn't change anything!
  11. I might be looking into a build of that model crossed with a Gibson Johnny A model for a final project for my internship. I assume the work needed and knowledge of building such a guitar would be a finally in itself.
  12. Then I know not to buy metal rafts.
  13. Thats what I got from it also. I have to be in the right mood at the exact time the moon is in line with Orion's belt to listen to these guys. Will I be seeing you at these shows? We need to do a picnic in Forest Park!
  14. Is there really a pool involved? If so I'm snaging MChris and some rafts and were there!
  15. Can you swap externals with buddies that run the same Pro Tools format as you and open up sessions to over dub say drum tracks....ect.? In June and July my buddy and I are recording my first record, and I asumed you could just do this. I've pretty much just gone through and done demos for the past year and really wan't to make a polished copy of my/our songs and there will be days when one of us can't be around.
  16. not awful, but three days straight?????????????????
  17. Nice job buddy, I'm looking to do a build here soon. Not much to a lap, but love and devotion!
  18. Don't know to much about them, but not that excited.
  19. One holy hell of a setlist, this will go down in the books!
  20. Nels would of been a foot model for sure.
  21. It took me years to finally get Prince. The man was blessed with talent!
  22. Anything more on the live feed captured? P.S., I am so jealous.
  23. You should hit them up via email and help the street team out. We could really use some Florida love! If your down I can send you a link to get in contact with Jill. Your help down there would be great!
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