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Everything posted by ikol

  1. That could be offensive to people that are missing toes.
  2. So after 8 years of having to criticize Bush and Republicans, no one's ready to shift the attention to the Democrats. Rush Limbaugh is so 1995.
  3. Maybe so, but it's not like Obama shys away from selling fear.
  4. So you're more in favor of economic intelligent design?
  5. The last scene of the first episode is great.
  6. Yes, but he wasn't as charismatic when he did it.
  7. But Clyburn's playing the race card is itself political grandstanding. I'm not saying that everyone is affected equally by these political decisions, but that doesn't mean race goes into the decision-making itself or that such disparities are reason enough to accept "stimulus" funds. I'm sorry, but trying to end the debate by injecting race into it is a cheap and shameless political move. And when our government goes broke and the long-term consequences of our wreckless spending are realized, guess who's going to be disproportionately affected? Of course our country is not perfect when it come
  8. No, but trying to make opposition to the stimulus bill a racial thing is. That would be like calling pro-choicers racist because a disproportionate number of blacks are aborted.
  9. People Got a Lot of Nerve is coming to Rock Band next week. http://www.rockband.com/forums/showthread.php?t=123760
  10. Is this "National Coordinator of Health Information Technology" actually determining whether you get treated or just whether the government pays for it?
  11. I think those claiming that FDR prolonged the Great Depression would agree.
  12. So not blindly accepting $1,000,000,000,000 in government spending is telling him to fuck himself? In what way is he reaching out to the other side? What compromises is he willing to make? Reagan's philosophy was barely in place for the 8 years that he was President, much less for the past 25 years. Say what you will about the Bushes, but they were no Reagan.
  13. Well, Hoover actually did a lot of the same stuff FDR did, just to a lesser extent. But that aside, one alternative would be not to bail out failing companies.
  14. A new approach sounds good. I guess that means we should try something besides sharp increases in government spending and running up huge deficits (i.e. the GOP way). For someone so averse to Atlas Shrugged, you seem to favor making it a reality.
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