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Everything posted by ikol

  1. Hopefully, Obama won't do like FDR and prolong the recession for 10-15 years.
  2. Silver Jew is on pitchfork.tv this week.
  3. I didn't know Walgreens sold beer (or Old Style).
  4. Oh, there's lots of good beers that I can get. I just won't be satisfied until every beer known to man is available.
  5. I like too many beers to list. One thing I do not like is seeing all the beers in the ND section that they don't sell here.
  6. It was in the backyard and she would usually eat it fresh before anyone would notice it and pick it up (because eating dried dog shit is just gross). So they were trying to train her not to eat it.
  7. My parents have a Cairn terrier named Lucy that used to eat her poo. They heard that sprinkling cayenne pepper on it would keep them from eating it. They did so and later found her barking at her spicy poo. They also used to have a westie that would steal green tomatoes from the garden.
  8. He's trying to press the switch to the trap door.
  9. So we know the new album is going to have drums...interesting.
  10. RIP to one of my favorite writers.
  11. They went double maverick on him. I swear it wasn't me. I've avoided polling places like the plague.
  12. So all those ignorant rednecks in PA went Obama...
  13. Michael Moore sneezes on Obama.
  14. I'm on a rotation at a children's hospital, and a lot of the residents wore costumes today. Some of them did a Noah's ark theme, including a giraffe with a neck made from Coke cartons.
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