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Everything posted by ikol

  1. I had the same problem. Just use internet explorer and you should have no problem downloading it.
  2. Nevermind, it just hates firefox.
  3. Anyone else having trouble getting it to play? It saved it as a notepad file, and it won't play in quicktime.
  4. But it also doesn't say that you only have that right if you're in a militia. Thus many reasonable people interpret it to mean that we have a right to bear arms that shall not be infringed, whether we're in a militia or not. And being able to bear arms isn't a free pass to do whatever you want with them.
  5. I don't own any guns, but since my apartment was broken in and my roommate was held at gunpoint by 4 thugs, I'm considering getting one. If that raises my suicide risk, so be it. And the 2nd Amendment doesn't say, "the right to bear arms shall not be infringed...unless guns are dangerous."
  6. Well, I did both. Don't tell Karl.
  7. I will soon be drinking up to 75 different beers and wines at Foamfest.
  8. I predict they play the drone from Less Than You Think for 2 hours.
  9. I'm closer to agreeing with O'Reilly on immigration, but Geraldo wins.
  10. The Swedish one looks pretty cool. The giant unicorn horn on the other hand...
  11. I would recommend Dear Catastrophe Waitress and The Life Pursuit, but they're pretty much all great.
  12. Didn't you know that Macs are so good that they don't need ctrl-alt-del?
  13. It's so disgusting that she would make such a personal attack like that, mocking Edwards for being effeminate. She's ugly and looks like a man!
  14. We're subsidizing your healthcare because Canada price fixes drugs. The drug companies can still make a profit in that they're selling the drugs for more than they cost to produce, but they have to increase the price in America to make up for the initial research cost needed to develop the drugs. Since Canadians aren't paying as much, the price in America is higher than it otherwise would be. Drug research is risky and expensive. You have to invest billions of dollars to take 10,000 compounds and whittle them down to one, and after 10 or 15 years of testing that one compound is still unlikely
  15. I agree with you on this. I just disagree on how it should be provided.
  16. Depends on what you mean by safety. If you mean protection from being injured or killed by another person, that's covered under our right to life and protected by anti-murder laws and the military. Obviously the government has to "provide" in that sense. That's not the same as saying that a right to safety means the government has to give motorcyclists free helmets.
  17. I don't think you can have a right to something that someone else has to provide. For example, your right to life means that you have the right to not be killed, not that you have a right to be provided everything you need to live. Your right to free speech doesn't mean you have a right to be published or broadcast. If you say that people have a right to healthcare, then where do you draw the line on what constitutes healthcare? Do you have a right to annual full body scans?
  18. And I don't necessarily disagree with him. That being said, I think I'll stick with licensed ones.
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