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Deaf Ro

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Everything posted by Deaf Ro

  1. Panda Bear: Person Pitch F'n amazing record.
  2. Yes, their newest, out in a few weeks I think. One of their two members, Brian McBride, also had a lovely ambient/electroacoustic record on Kranky in 2005 called "When the Detail Lost Its Freedom." Here is a sampler of that: http://goodvibrato.org/?p=41 np
  3. The first two records (s/t and Millions) are what they are most famous for but the other suggestions here are good too. I honestly think they are a very hit-or-miss band, tho. Another group I would highly recommend (even more so than Tortoise) in this vein is Do Make Say Think, who is less known but definitely one of the best instrumental rock acts of all time.
  4. The Bear The Way That He Sings Rollin Back MMJ =
  5. Definitely love First Narrows now, yeah. Not sure how I snoozed on it for so long. Incidentally, Loscil = May 26 Wordless Music performer
  6. Yeah, it's much better than the other record of theirs I've heard. If you dig Deerhunter, check out Loscil - they don't sound anything alike but they're on the same label (Kranky), which rarely if ever puts out bad stuff.
  7. Some great choices (as one would expect) np
  8. np: Do Make Say Think: "Winter Hymn Country Hymn Secret Hymn"
  9. My first thought was "Can't Hardly Wait"
  10. Awesome show....Conor Oberst and two of the members of Oakley Hall came out to sing for the encore.
  11. I was dubious when I first read these words but the description is 100% accurate, especially the Springsteen part. Half these songs you could have told me were recorded for a Springsteen tribute/covers record and I would have believed it. Great, great stuff. The second track is a killer.
  12. Oxford Collapse: "Remember the Night Parties" This band absolutely destroys. Cannot recommend this album enough.
  13. Triosk: Moment Returns. A really great Australian band.
  14. What is that? Tarentel - From Bone to Satellite - cannot recommend this album enough
  15. This record is amazing. I can't stop playing it.
  16. This collection especially (BP I can upload this for ya) http://www.amazon.com/Leos-Jan%e1cek-Piano...TF8&s=music
  17. Nice - here are some pics of their show last Monday here in NYC. http://homepage.mac.com/jlane99/Wordless%20One/
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