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Elixir Sue

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Everything posted by Elixir Sue

  1. I'm put off by it, too. In fact, I was reading about that earlier: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/moira-whelan...x_b_123892.html
  2. Yes. Also, I really hate the sing-song, storybook voice McCain uses during his speeches.
  3. From NPR, a conversation with David Axelrod on 8/28/08: More from USA Today on Obama's speechwriting:
  4. Seconded. That speech was almost entirely bitter and ugly, not to mention FULL of lies. Weren't they hoping to get some independents and cross-over votes from Dems if possible? I can't see much of that happening after such a hateful speech. Way to take the high road, Obama.
  5. I like it a lot, although my touchpad scrolling thing doesn't seem to work with it.
  6. Woohoo!!!! :party Happy birthday, Johnny!
  7. Hope you have a great birthday, Jeff!! Thanks for a very special 2008.
  8. I thought the show was good (I'm not a huge MMJ fan)...we sat on a blanket on the fringe of the crowd, and as much as I usually love being up front for shows, I have to admit it was nice to sit under the stars and enjoy the music that way. Loved sharing the show and Louisville with the Dude. Also, it was fun to bump into Wendy at Ear X-tacy Saturday afternoon...sorry we didn't get to hang with anybody else!
  9. I missed this too...hope you had a great birthday, Q23!!
  10. Jason Lezak! "A fingertip did the victory," said Amaury Leveaux, one of the French swimmers. "It is nothing."
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