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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. Yeah...I know (as a matter of fact, I posted the stuff myself) however, there is something relevant here. Sawyer killed Locke's father, who was responsible for Sawyer's father killing Sawyer's mother. Sawyer was instrumental in saving Ben.There's something deeper here, but I can't put my finter on it.
  2. Something in DEAD IS DEAD just doesn't sit right with me. As we all remember, Sawyer and Kate took young Ben to Richard requesting he 'heal' him. Richard took Ben into the temple. Widmore shows up and looks ready to confront Richard...and Richard indicated Jacob desired it to happen. Sawyer's first name, of course, is James. See where I'm butting up against?
  3. Don't forget Tom Clancy's novel Debt of Honor. To a hammer, every problem is a nail.
  4. Right show...wrong person JINX
  5. I was being a bit serious. In Texas, (Dallas) there is a gay couple seeking a dissolution of their Massachusetts sanctioned marriage. The problem for them is Texas doesn't recognize gay marriage. The larger problem is another marriage ending in failure. Marriage is hard to make work. I'm sure we will see the same percentage of gay marriages end in divorce as conventional marriages.
  6. I think that gay people deserve the right to be as happy AND miserable as they can. Let them experience the joys of marriage and the agony of losing half their stuff and the emotinal distress in a divorce. It isn't all sunshine and light.
  7. [quote name='Crow Daddy Magnus
  8. There's a difference between Art Rock and Prog Rock (in my mind). Pink Floyd and Rush are Prog rock. Yes ia Art Rock. Maybe the distinction is mine alone.
  9. The best shows seem to be the ones that the suits don't fuck up...The reason why Firefly became a casualty and Lost became a legend.
  10. Watch out for the Rangers...They may actually have PITCHING this year.
  11. Our friend the statue? Anubis The jackal headed god, considered by many to be the most ancient of Egyptian gods. He judged the dead, weighing their souls to compare the good vs. evil they had done.
  12. It does have a mythic quality about it. Tonight's episode (Dead is Dead) had more WTF moments than most shows will have in a season. And now we know 'who' the statue is of.
  13. well...we do seem to have a Ben with a conscience. And wtf is up with Ilana? "What lies in the shadow of the Statue?" I think we have an idea of who will be one side of the war.
  14. I have a real off kilter thought about Jacob and his identity. I will use spolier space here... It may have been right before us all along... Look at the screen caps of Jacob again...fits? Just screwing with ya...the role of Jacob has already been cast...but I had ya going there didn't I?
  15. Getting this thread on the first page so it will be easier to find after tonight's episode. Looks like a good one...Ben seeks judgement.
  16. If we're talking self-destructive yes. Nihilistic...no Self destructive tendencies do not equal nihilism per se.
  17. Larry Bird...great player but Goddamn he's ugly.
  18. You are a left social moderate. Left: 3.15, Libertarian: 0.8 I'm not sure how much I buy this one either.
  19. Mine said "handsome and well hung". Am I Dick Manitoba?
  20. I think you're on to something. Jay is guilt of something I myself have been accused of: using his vocabulary in a way that points out what a good vocabulary he has. Some people it pretentious.
  21. Making a mix tape of Rock and Roll Nihilists? I can't imagine that this will ultimately be a very pleasant task. Nihilism is, at best, bleak and despairing. Songs about life being without meaning, purpose or intrinsic value are hardly party hardy events. The pointless of existence may make for good literature, but I don't think I could stand 70minutes of really Nihilistic songs. Looking at the despair enherent in Nihilism, I think Ian Curtis best fits you model (from your list). After consideration, I have the following comments: Suicide and bad endings are pretty good signs an artist has no
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