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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. There was one real mind blowing idea on the sky1 recap show...
  2. I wonder if Desmond will remember Faraday's mother as the shopkeeper from his first time flash. There are some interesting possibilities in this time travel stuff...John was meant to move the island, not Ben. What ramifications lie ahead for that?
  3. She saw Jin for a very limited period in the 1980's. She had experienced severe traumas (having to kill crew and her husband, having a child kidnapped and surviving the island) and 17 years between her seeing Jin for 20 mnutes or so in 1987 and then seeing him again in 2003. Think it is fairly plausible that she didn't recall him.
  4. Conan...I need to get my head straight...I always think of or
  5. I hope with every fiber of my being that one of your 'exceptions' is the artit from Freehold, New Jersey. If not...you are dead to me. DEAD.
  6. EXACTLY. And the same can be said for Magic...an anti-war, anti-loss of individual power and rights record that is specific in its non-specificity.
  7. Be careful what you wish for. The Fairness Doctrine can be used as a 'weapon' to squealch discussion. In the 1970's, it was often such a pain that NO political content was broadcast on some outlets.
  8. Downtown is a bird lover. She bought a hummingbird feeder last spring. It is amazing the warfare that ensued in the hummingbird community...very territorial birds.
  9. There's an epidemic of batshit crazy lately.
  10. Who is the more compelling discussion topic Batshit cracy vs. Morally bankrupt
  11. I didn't know dusty springfield's real name, and I didn't know that Leslie Gore preferred girls (should've guessed Darlene Love dangit); however, I guessed right on the Standells...everthing else I freaking new. lol
  12. It just gets better and better...it is a science/reason vs. faith/philosophy thing...isn't it?
  13. Scatter shooting while waiting for 8pmcst Rousseau met, saw, interacted with the Jin of the plane crash. Why doesn't the present Rousseau remember the meeting of the past Rousseau? Is THAT was caused the 'sickness'? We need to see Jacob and his surrogates (Christian and Claire). So far as we know, only Jack, Claire and Hurley have seen Christian. And, truth be told, only Lock and Ben are sure to have seen Jacob. We can infer that Richard has met and seen Jacob, but Richard's presence and role on the island in anything but clear. Why did Jack so easily agree to accompany Ben back to the i
  14. LOL You gotta admit...this is the craziest story to come down the pike in years. This poor lady is in such need of psychiatric help. But, you know...if you wanna talk about corporate compensation or sports franchise insanity, that is certainly up to you. But for my money...batshit crazy is more interesting at this point than beating on the usual horses... I ain't no internet cop...I just stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night.
  15. HEY... Let's get back on the rail here. We were talking about the batshit crazy lady 14 kids and Angelina Jolie lip injections. This trainwreck is a much more fun topic. One can always count of thread derailment...but let's have more fun with this one first. lol
  16. I was amazed to hear him shouting/singing along to LOnesome Day the other day as it blared from the iPod speaker set up he has in his bedroom. Then he followed that with Search and Destroy, Something by Avenged Sevenfold and Death or Glory. (Had to have a little talk about the last one with him...we don't need to be playing that one when Downtown is in the house )
  17. Not really...because as far as I know, The Ramones never did Hungry Heart. And as for common knowledge...there is common knowledge and COMMON KNOWLEDGE. The Hungry Heart factoid is akin to knowing that Joey Ramone asked to hear U2's In a Little While as he was passing. Not COMMON KNOWLEDGE but common knowledge. Anyway...if you are a Bruce fan, I don't give a crap if you know the little factoids.
  18. Wonder how the hipster crowd will react to Bruce and the E Street Band?
  19. Me? I prefer the 70's porn moustache.
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