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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. The most earthshaking, incendiary tour happened 30 years ago. Like a phoenix Bruce Springsteen arose from the ashes of a career seemingly derailed by legal problems and record company hype backlash. He burned across the country playing epic three plus hour shows and showed that it was REAL. Some music critics have stated that he SAVED rock and roll in 1978 (and have said it without irony). I don't know about that...all I know is that it was the best I Have EVER seen...even to this date. Remember Because the Night Candy's Room She's the one
  2. Well...there is a third option: The Stars are good...very good
  3. My wife is one step above tone deaf. She listens to Barry Manilow, Styx and Newsradio.
  4. Which is a little odd, because Todd Lewis had said that without Lisa Umbarger in the band, it wasn't the toadies.
  5. We don't Ordain Presidents or acclaim nominees...they have to earn it. It is making for great political theater. It's called the Death Penalty.
  6. That's kinda like saying the bubonic plague is the best pandemic ever.
  7. I still smell tobacco on my fingers My breath reeks of pot and wine and sex My eyes open up like they haven
  8. Tim ditched the robes because people were making an uncomfortable assumption. A band with that many chicks is cool in my book.
  9. Cumbersome --- Seven Mary Three Interstate Love Song --- Stone Temple Pilots
  10. Not an intended shot at you dude... I just don't enjoy getting obliterated anymore. No. Depressed, probably. Old, for sure. I just don't partake anymore. No religious or political agenda in not partaking. Maybe hoping to set an example for my son, maybe not.
  11. I find a lot of 1970's and 80's English Punk rock silly and pretentious. Bunch of unemployed Art School Kids. Give me the Ramones, Dolls and Dead Boys any day of the week. The Clash weren't the most important band in the world, just the best for about 7 years. The key to a good band is a good drummer. It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing. I think Pete Townsend should have packed it in after Who's Next. Might have saved Keith Moon's life and would have saved the Band's legacy...The Who were the best band in the world until somebody told Pete that they were. Justly deserved o
  12. wow Poon...I agree with everything you wrote except the bit about David Lynch
  13. Nest computer...I'm going Mac Nest computer...I'm going Mac
  14. You are right. And they still bring it Every...fucking...night
  15. There is one Doors song that grabs me every time...LA WOMAN. The boozey, seedy lyrics, combined with an actually inspired performance by Morrison AND an excellently tight performance make this a winner for me. The rest of their cataloge sounds like pretetious music made by art school students...wait...
  16. It's all about what works for the song.
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