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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. Thought you might be up to some asshattery here...but since you are playing it (semi) straight, I'll play along: Bruce Springsteen --- The Ties That Bind (a late 79 version of what became The River) Dwight Twilley Band --- The B Album Neil Young --- Home Grown/Chrome Dreams. Although most of the material here eventually got released, the orignal versions in their original format and vision would have been great at the time) Prince --- Crystal Ball The Beatles --- Get Back The Rolling Stones --- Cocksucker Blues
  2. Would have been A LOT wittier if you hadn't actually posted a serious list here.
  3. Yeah...but MINE was a witty attempt to point out the inanity of such lists by making an ACTUAL LIST THAT NO ONE HAD EVER POSTED.
  4. No Desire for impersonal sexual contact. Desire to be in a total control situation. Desire to be secretive and sordid. Feeling of insecurity or inferiority (i.e. a feeling that only way to achieve intimacy is having to 'pay for it' ) Like rape is not a desire for sexual gratfication but an act of violence, patronizing a prostitute is an act of insecurity and desperation.
  5. The dreaded second record has derailed many a promising band: years preparing, rehearsing, performing and grooming material for the first album followed by a poorly prepared second album rushed by the record company. Here's recognizing the bands/artists with REAL staying power...at least for two records. In no particular order (and as many as I want to list...20 is a guideline. A suggestion. Not a rule.) The Beatles --- With the Beatles (UK version brutha!) Big Star --- Radio City Bruce Springsteen --- The Wild, The Innocent and the E Street Shuffle Nirvana --- Nevermind (Bleach being t
  6. I just don't feel REM these days. I haven't enjoyed anything the have done since Bill Berry left the band. (Actually, I haven't really enjoyed anything since AUTOMATIC FOR THE PEOPLE)
  7. A stupid and ambitious hypocrite...the will be Spitzer's legacy. An all too human man who succombed to hubris and lost his crusader way...may be his reality.
  8. Dude...I have a Master's Degree in pompous assholery!!!!
  9. Listen...I love Wilco like a fat kid loves pie, but I don't think there is ANY doubt who the opener would be in your scenario.
  10. And I suppose nobody is ever the victim of random gun violence on the road in other parts of the country....
  11. Funny thing is...that is a new picture (see the Lance Armstrong livestrong bracelet...) edit: I'm not deleting this even though I got beat to the punch...
  12. Either I am a fucking dinosaur or you are a babe in arms ... (I think it is the former)
  13. Hell..anybody that can afford to pay $5500 for some trim....
  14. I have nothing old in this house. Downtown is decidedly unsentimental and won't abide anything old...(which makes me sleep with one eye open)
  15. dissing my home will not go unchallenged luv
  16. That's OK...I hear tell that Dallas and Houston aren't crazy about you.
  17. Not to be overly dramatic and not to project anything that may or may not exist...but Jay's dismissal takes a new perspective when considering this...
  18. Yeah...he is a giant in the publishing world
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