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Everything posted by Willkoman

  1. No I haven't heard anything. If that is the original version of TTN that David Briggs wanted to release it would be priceless. PS ~ How did the DVDs work out?
  2. Nice post. I remember Being There getting four stars. Yo John Hardy, you can't get away with any bull s**t on VC. It just doesn't fly.
  3. Me too. I was at Newport. A day or two after Wilco in Portland, Maine. A friend who knew of them made sure I caught their set. So glad I did.
  4. #1) Drive-By Truckers Bob Dylan Magnolia Electric Co. Neil Young Tom Petty Richard Buckner MMJ Beck
  5. Tough choice. I've seen Petty many times while having seen Dylan only about ten times. They both have really strong new albums out. Being as how I've seen Petty so much and know he's a crowd pleaser (hit player) I'd choose Dylan hoping to hear his new album. For you who has never seen Petty or Dylan I'd recommend Petty. He's just so damned much fun.
  6. I don't visit VC much these days so if this is old please disregard. http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1712031/
  7. I'll say. Mine changed before they even got through the first song, Misunderstood.
  8. I've heard Capital every day since the stream was posted. I'm blown away by how good it is. Being from Connecticut I'll be missing the party. It's a shame because these songs must be incredible live. I'll be happy with the CD for now. A double bill with Wilco would be the show of the year. It would also require plane fare from Connecticut to Chicago.
  9. Most if not all of the banter is already out there as a part of the show it will be taken from. I do understand your apprehension of having it all together though as most people won't have heard the majority of it.
  10. "Every hippie has a dog and every dog has a hippie" 5/10/97 The Fillmore, San Francisco.
  11. I feel the same way. If your going to The Bridge School your very lucky. I managed to make it in 03' and I'll never forget it. Ever. Thanks for the set update paris I appreciate it. I only missed one song.
  12. Anybody know if he played anything before Homegrown?
  13. Yoko Ono. Sorry John. Nothing personal mate.
  14. If you are open-minded and like to have that open mind blown rent this. Neil Gaiman with artist Dave McKean hooked up with the Jim Henson Company to tell this mind bending fairy tale. I rented it then immediately bought it. It's called Mirror Mask. Amazon's reviews can be quite shakey but this received a four star rating from 95 reviews. A well deserved four stars.
  15. I worked with a woman who had her Masters in American Lit. We traded books back and forth for quite a while (about two years) until we no longer worked together. She was always trying to get me to read this and for some reason I was just never interested. When my TBR pile gets down a ways I think I'll look into it.
  16. #1, easy) For Whom The Bell Tolls ~ E. Hemingway The Stand ~ S. King The Grapes Of Wrath ~ J. Steinbeck American Gods ~ Neil Gaiman Catcher in The Rye ~ J.D. Salinger To Kill a Mockingbird ~ Harper Lee I imagine some of these have been mentioned prior to my post. I never read previous posts for list threads. I don't wan't to be influenced.
  17. Yes indeed. "I won't bore you with the story" of my length of service but I have reached a plateau of complete serenity when it comes to Mr. Young . Aka Joe Yankee, Phil Perspective, Shakey Deal, Waterface, the estimable Bernard Shakey, Flyface, Neil and last but most definately not least Neil Percival Kenneth Robert Ragland Young. I've never read Shakey. Didn't want to. I wouldn't know which parts to believe. Plus "Once you start talking about the mystique it's gone". I do have this nagging feeling I'm missing out on another alias though. If anyone can help, I'd appreciate it. All quotes a
  18. Last U.S. Soldiers Return from Iraq: Musicians to Play Tribute Concert Money to go to families of U.S. soldiers killed in the name of greed.
  19. I've always known B.S. didn't stand for Bernard Shakey.
  20. For someone who insists the Archives will contain the bad Neil as well as the good Neil he sure is picky taking only six songs from two shows. He originally said Archive I was to contain a live show of Crazy Horse from 1969 with Danny Whitten. That's a far cry from six live songs from two different shows. Fucking Neil. The walking talking contradiction.
  21. Very nice. I'm still thinking about that show. Thanks for the pictures.
  22. Was that your flash I was seeing? This is willkoman in case you don't know. Don't tell anyone though. Thanks. Joe
  23. Would anybody have or know where I can find the DBT set list from last night in Northampton Ma.? I've been listening since Southern Rock Opera but never had the chance to see them until last night. This band restored my faith in R&R. They played a blistering set of two hours(?) before coming back for a 4-5(?) song encore. Easily the best live band I've seen in a long while. I was up til 4:30 A.M. so wound up I couldn't sleep or even read. After a few muddy sounding songs (maybe 3-4) everything clicked. It reminded me of the very first time I saw Wilco. Very loose but very tight. Musi
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