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Everything posted by Willkoman

  1. Pet Sematary Salem's Lot Bag Of Bones The Shining The Talisman
  2. Everybody's Talkin' is one of my very favorite songs. I heard a renegade tape of Stills doing a rendition with Fred Neil a long time ago. When Stills could sing. I believe he was a big influence on Stills way back in the Greenwich Village scene.
  3. This is the only board I belong to that I do it. There is no information on here that can harm me. Once in a while a wise a** post but other than that I'm safe. Would I ever allow login free mail? Never. Whats your take Analogman?
  4. I "deleted cookies set by the board" at the bottom of the home page. That brought me to the Login screen. The box to "remember me" has been checked all along but before logging on and after typing in my info I clicked the check mark off and then on again . It worked. Everything is back to normal. Thanks for responding. I appreciate it. Edit:
  5. I have to log on with my username and my password every single time I come on board. I usually pop in quite often. So it's slowly becoming a drag on my typing finger. Am I the only one? Is there anything I can do to stay logged on like in the past? It just started happening lately after the board was down a day or so ago. Any and all help as usual is highly appreciated.
  6. No I haven't. Actually I'm quite satisfied to hear the new Two Cow Garage sans cock.
  7. You were right. It took me all of 5(?) seconds to download Adobe Flash Player 9 and now I'm listening. Thanks very much for responding Zepplinster. I really appreciate it. The boys are rockin'.
  8. I saw him on the Ghosts of the Great Highway tour and was really dissapointed. I managed to stick around but won't give him a second chance. Great album worthless show.
  9. They must have taken the stream down but thanks anyway Zep. They are coming to Providence, Rhode Island. 4/21 @ Jake's. 45 minutes from home. I'm there. Edit: I was able to hear a couple of tunes off of III on their MySpace page.
  10. On the two CD's Fillmore and Massey that are released in the U.S. it says D2 on Fillmore and D3 on Massey in very small printing on the spines and in the box on the front top left corner. Maybe one is in "Archives Part 1" ? I agree with Judy, "It's easily one of the greatest live albums of all time".
  11. Massey Hall is incredible. By all means don't miss it. Edit: It's all been worth the wait. Edit II: Amazon ~ $14.99
  12. Sheryl Crow. Wilco opened and we left at the break. Didn't even see her face. We were 3rd row center. As we walked out we gave our tickets to four people in the last row.
  13. My favorite versions of DBTR & Cowgirl were just released on the Fillmore 1970 disc. So young and fresh. Both the songs and the Neil. Neil said at one point this would be included in Part I. Who knows now. I do believe we'll see PT. I before the end of the year. I do. I really do. I've been $aving for 15 year$ now so I can afford all this great mu$ic. P.S. ~ Journey Through The Past and Love In Mind are nice additions to Massey Hall.
  14. Love the Two Cow Garage. Looking forward to possibly hearing then buying III. Haven't seen them live. Yet. I do have my Two Cow T-shirt and their "Don't Let Me Down" disc I got when I sent a donation to get the van fixed. And the first two releases of course. It's all good to me.
  15. This one is gonna kick ass live.
  16. Any chance someone could help me out with the new album. The first time I heard any of it was on the stream and I'm really hurtin' to hear it again. I do love What Light but besides that I have no Sky Blue Sky. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  17. I love it. It could be my favorite or pretty close any way. Nels is incredible as is every other band member but after one listen it's the guitar work that stands out. I heard some Beatles and I also heard some Wilco pre AGIB. Also lots of Wilco post AGIB if that makes any sense. I've always been a fan of soul music and I heard that too. Great album from a great band that continues to change, grow and evolve. It sounds like a very cohesive record where for me AGIB did not (just my opinion!). I like that. For me SBS is a major success.
  18. Maybe they wan't the first listen to be on their terms. Anyway, very cool. My refreshments are ready.
  19. I just received notice in my email. Looking forward to it.
  20. I'm happy I logged on after the leak was removed by management. I would have listened. But now I can maintain my virgin ears. It's more an experiment than any self-righteousness. I want to hear the album completely fresh to see if it makes any kind of difference. Kind of like when I bought my vinyl as a kid. Sight unseen, music unheard (excluding Rust Never Sleeps).
  21. As much as I love Neil, Jerry's solos can bring goose bumps to my flesh and tears to my eyes.
  22. I hear you loud and clear. Especially from The Fillmore East 1970 show.
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