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Everything posted by Willkoman

  1. Hit .377 in Spring Training. Two HR's on opening day. I think we'll keep him. Yea, I really like them. Hated those vest type uniforms. We even updated Mr. Red.
  2. So far so good. Two fer Dunn today.
  3. I'll go into the 2007 season like I have since I was 10. Excited!
  4. 5/10/97 The Fillmore "Every hippie has a dog and every dog has a hippie" Edit: I see it's been mentioned. Nevermind.
  5. Neil Young ~ Live At Massey Hall 1971 Sky Blue Sky ~ Wilco
  6. Did anyone see where Oprah put her name on this fantastic read by Cormac McCarthy? I haven't read any other Oprah Club picks but I highly recommend this one. I'm kind of surprised at this pick but it really is a good read. How is No Country For Old Men? Or any other McCarthy? I'm currently finishing up "Dance Of Death" an Aloysius X.L. Pendergast novel by Preston & Child. The best so far in an incredible string of books.
  7. This post has been taken down. There is no need to start the season with dissention in the clubhouse.
  8. I was shocked and brought to the edge the first time I heard the Massey Hall version. It's one of my very favorite Neil moments now. Maybe he wasn't prepared to let so much of his inner Neil to be seen for all of eternity on vinyl back then. I've never once to my knowledge skipped the Harvest version, I'm quite fond of it. I have run into a lady or two who didn't share my same fondness.
  9. PM your address I'll send a copy. The way the Archives are going that will be on Part IV in 2015.
  10. "Don't Spook The Horse". Edit: that was a tough one.
  11. Name the "b-side" song on the single of "Mansion On The Hill".
  12. No points will be deducted for missing the B.
  13. Name the Cliff Richard guitarist Neil Young claims as a major influence. No cheating!!
  14. You scored 10 out of 10. You tore through that like a hurricane. Keep on rockin
  15. An excellent point in a post full of them. One of the highlights of the eighties for me was seeing Neil live.
  16. Does anyone have Tonight's the Night on vinyl?
  17. I'm curious if anyone has looked at the groove runout of the Tonight's The Night vinyl. The smooth part of the circle next to the black Reprise label. I just looked at my original copy bought in 1975 when I was 16. There are words scratched into the vinyl on both sides, I & II. I think it's finally time to read Shakey. Although it is fun to find things 32 years later I never new existed I don't want to miss any more hidden meanings. There's more to the picture than meets the eye.
  18. Of all the tours I've seen, I had one of the best times at this one. Edit: So did Neil.
  19. He also recorded "Soldier" in front of a crackling fireplace in an old mill(?). That's in the movie Journey Through The Past. I don't know if it's in Shakey but it's in the film.
  20. Nice list. I could have easily listed two of yours. #'s one and four.
  21. Yep. It reminded me of Kingpin since the first time I heard it. I've always been a Kingpin lover live.
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