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Vacant Horizon

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Everything posted by Vacant Horizon

  1. does that dude live in ATL? what record store? criminal is supposedly closing. let's see, i've met john a few times. i'd love meet tweedy and of course neil young.
  2. i have the first cd releases of animals and wish you were here. the volume is low, but it sounds pretty good to me.
  3. been watching a lot of the vids from the link posted a while back. it's so interesting to see how drastically garcia changed when he hit age 40. his voice went in 82, from what i can see. his playing was still great, but gradually went to shit in 91. it's just so weird to see an 81 video with garcia moving around, smiling and singing so well and in a matter of months he's put on a ton of weight and loses his voice. just some observations. c
  4. the amazing thing about floyd was that they could take a musical theme and present it in a bunch of different, compelling ways. shine on you crazy diamond, dogs, final cut. these themes were also very simple melodies and chord progressions. it is just so cool that listening to dogs feels like 2 minutes when the tune is like 15 minutes long. most other 15 min tunes are a nightmare. c
  5. i think it gets some love around here. awesome album.
  6. i take it this is a new band? i like joan osborne. she was great with the dead several years ago.
  7. i actually like dave better than ray. may have to check this out.
  8. i play in a dead cover band and last sat nite our keyboardist opened the show with the keys intro from SOYCD. it sounded cool. i wonder if we'll ever get any new material from roger or david.
  9. i never knew that about wish you were here or animals. that would have been a crazy album. animals is my favorite too. never forget the first time i heard Dogs...i was floored. when that first lead comes in...damn...one of the best moments in rock. i also love how the looped gilmour vocal from dogs comes back up in sheep. c
  10. Emerson Lake and Palmer-Black Moon
  11. santana vid DAMN!!! never seen garcia play a lead like that.
  12. watching the greek 89 show. man, they sure do dick around with their equipment. i never hear a difference in sound.
  13. yeah, i remember that run being kind of quiet. rosemont was always fun.
  14. some stuff i haven't heard. thanks. i'm thinking my list will have some that aren't released yet...wilco, jayhawks.
  15. garcia in the 94 vids is just so sick. head hanging down and not even singing into the mic. sad.
  16. http://www.archive.org/details/gd94-03-16.sbd.ladner.7778.sbeok.shnf 3.16.94 this was a good late show. some touch and go parts but pre-drums is really really good. i think vince would've been better if his rig wasn't all digital. part of what made brent great was that he played a real piano and hammond organ. brent's tunes were pretty bad at the end, but they were so fun to hear mixing up the first set. again, they should've done this with vince. god love the heads, they really supported vince. as far as missing shows and getting to shows...man it got pretty bad with me. if i was
  17. http://www.youtube.com/user/voodoonola#p/u/16/78tLB92KrLc youtube channel with whole show vids. very fun to watch if you don't know the setlists. c
  18. we need a farrar release and it'd be a perfect fall. i'm not complaining though:)
  19. yes, i'd go for a spring 90 box. i also wish they'd put together some gems from 91, 92 etc. the shows then were touch and go, but there were some moments. as far as the dead basically being done when brent died...i think that's right. if hornsby had been the replacement and not vince, things might have been different. also, if they'd slowed down and garcia had more time with JGB, it might have been different. brent was the secret weapon for the 80s. furthur has one slow groove and john does not solo at all. you'd be hard pressed to find one on any of the recordings. not a fan o
  20. yeah, his voice does sound great. he's just singing rather than cracking and wailing. artwork is not what i expected, but cool. i've been hot and cold with this dude. might pick this up without listening. i'm getting a good vibe:)
  21. the ironic thing is that those who would do the lynching are the ones getting totally fucked by a capitalist society. go figure. humanity at it's best. i need to read these books. thanks for the recommendation.
  22. well, this is good. RA seems to have calmed down is bad tendencies.
  23. is this what the river was gonna be? is it anywhere besides torrents? seems interesting.
  24. i will never tire of looking at that cover. timeless psychadelia.
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