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Vacant Horizon

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Everything posted by Vacant Horizon

  1. right. i suspect it will sound nice in the fall too:)
  2. Jesus Christ Aman! hope you are doing well. and vibes to the op. good
  3. Rest Easy, the itunes bonus track is incredible. i wish it was on the album. classic laurel canyon tune.
  4. http://www.pastemagazine.com/articles/2011/06/possible-justin-vernonneil-young-collaboration.html Bon Iver courted by Neil....?
  5. oh yeah, i'm sure they are gonna be touring nonstop for the next year. they haven't even announced a headline tour, so they'll be around. with these things, i've learned to go with my gut. centromatic is coming next week to my town and i'm just waiting to see if the mood hits. if not, i'm not gonna go. int he past, if a band i really loved was playing with in 3-4 hours, i'd go to multiple shows. guess that's what following the dead does to you....you think one show is not enough. now, i appreciate a few really good shows during the year. fyi-love your avatar. that is such a cool
  6. love the new album. got a cool shirt too. i think the springfield shows are sounding really good. stills can't sing, but he's doing okay. i hope they put out a nice live album from the tour. c
  7. i'm with you. you end up not enjoying the show because you're dreading the drive back and trying to keep yourself awake and feeling like shit the next day. man, the things we do for music.
  8. i really wish they were doing a headlining tour. probably in the spring. this band is great...finally, a group that lives up to the hype:)
  9. this is ridiculous. i get so frustrated when the music news gets info wrong. just the number of drummers who have been in the jayhawks would make the recording a logistical nightmare. anyway, when you really know a subject and you hear/read a piece on it and see how wrong they get things it makes you wonder how accurate the news really is. i know music, mental health and public education. when i hear a story on either, it's usually full of complete crap.
  10. they played this on GD radio last night. it is a great show. probably one of the best predrum sets. China>Rider Estimated>Eyes!!!
  11. classic tweedy! thanks for posting.
  12. yeah, grey riders is gonna rock. too bad it's not a double album cause that band did some interesting versions of classic tunes like down by the river and powder finger. i love the cover art, so i got the t-shirt.
  13. i'd love to see one of those living room shows. sounds so cool. my musical partner and i basically set up our own living room shows for friends and family. lot easier than playing 'out'. anyway, i'm enjoying vultures await.
  14. it's official. big tour to follow in summer and fall.
  15. great list. i would add the solo/live version of johanna from biograph as well as percy's song from that era. also love chimes of freedom...'flashing for the warriors whose strength is not to fight'
  16. i can't get past some of the whining on this album. help! ironically, tangled up in blue and buckets of rain are probably my two favorite dylan tunes.
  17. thanks for the info. i would like to know what DAC is...
  18. you're right about her voice. i could listen to her sing the phone book. and david's harmonies are so close, they sound like one voice. they're also very dry in their humor, which i love. last time i saw them they reverbed gillian's voice and she sang a jefferson airplane tune. i didn't go to that fox show b/c i'm not a bright eyes fan. have seen her several times at the variety in atlanta. another great venue.
  19. If you really want to meet a bunch of fucking scumbags, be a musician. But Merge is just straight up and they’re the sweetest people. good point. when i was in a touring jam band in the mid 90s it was like pulling teeth to get paid. what a nightmare. we were also approached by random indie labels that were just totally shady. that's the side most of us fans don't see. i think buckner is one of those guys that could live off a subscription service to fans. i'd pay $50 a month to keep in touch with him, finance records, etc. if he got a bunch of folks doing that, he'd have steady inco
  20. yeah, i've sampled some vinyl rips. not too bad. the rest of the numbers y'all are talking about, i have no idea. info on code format. http://www.gearwire.com/code-format-jcmellencamp.html my feeling is that if the tune is good, then i don't care what the format is. i'd listen to neil young (and have) on a shitty 3rd generation cassette if i had too and still enjoy it. in fact, i still listen to a tape of a tape of vinyl of On The Beach and Reactor that i got way before they came out on CD.
  21. yeah, i'm not sure what this is. does it have something to do with that CODEC? stuff neil young and john mellencamp brought up a few years ago? anyway, how many times can stuff be released and how much difference can we really hear?
  22. http://news.cnet.com/8301-13645_3-20062544-47.html
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