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Vacant Horizon

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Everything posted by Vacant Horizon

  1. with this release i think the hype will actually be congruent with the actual album (unlike others this spring). these guys just like playing songs and singing. you can tell they love to hit every note. great vibe. wish they were headlining this spring though. i have no need to see brett dennon(sp?)
  2. Hokey...good word to describe that album. yim yames seems to be like dylan. he puts out 3 masterpieces and then when he's king of the world, he starts joking around.
  3. Crazy Heart (soundtrack) (2010) Jakob Dylan: Women + Country (2010) Willie Nelson: Country Music (2010) Robert Randolph and the Family Band: We Walk this Road John Mellencamp: No Better than This (2010) Elton John & Leon Russell: Union (2010) Secret Sisters: Secret Sisters (2010) Ghost Brothers of Darkland County (2011) Gregg Allman: Low Country Blues (2011) Steve Earle(2011) i think his production served mellencamp well.
  4. some pretty good traditional sounding stuff. he's definitely not as angry as before. i'm a little tired of TBone Burnette producing every frickin' album that comes out. that muffled stand up bass mono sound is getting really old.
  5. she totally does. that gave me a bit of shiver.
  6. your buddy Woody may disagree. i'm a proponent of nonviolence through and through. killing just breeds more killing. until we get that figured out as a species, the cycle will continue.
  7. is it that uncool in indie world to craft something with intention and sing on key?
  8. i wasn't implying, i was saying outright that killing is killing no matter who's doing it and for what reason. it is wrong and there is no justification for it at all. you can roll your eyes, but it's not black and white here. right. and then put in context of the world situation.
  9. what privilege we have to roll our eyes at unnecessary killing of human beings. so if i help build a house in my neighborhood then i can kill off a few of the neighbors that bother me?
  10. the US is responsible for more death and misery than bin laden. sad, but true. killing is killing. there are no innocents.
  11. i remember getting cornell. everyone was raving about the Dew on there. i was blown away by phil's bass on the opening of scarlet-fire. so awesome!
  12. i think they have a bit of early genesis and ant phillips thrown in there. i've not really gotten into them, but i think i'll pick this one up and hopefully see a show this year.
  13. ...and cycle of violence continues. may victims, families, all who suffer be at peace.
  14. good points. i've always been of the mind that if i really love the music, it will hit me in any format....even a shitty cassette. i just don't think i can justify spending money on vinyl in hopes of 'getting into' some new music. i'm surely not a downloads guy though. i prefer to listen to albums on CD. ipods and all that blow, but they are convenient. btw, i compared vinyl to CD of Wilco the album cause i read that they were mixed differently. well, i thin they sound basically the same and the CD actually sounds better to my ears. so who knows? c
  15. start with 1977 then move forward or back. anything from that year is stellar and interesting. next maybe 74. i have a soft spot for 80-81 and 1990. isn't cornell like the first bootleg everyone got?
  16. well, this makes me tense. is vinyl and hype or is it really better? never been a fan of Fleet Foxes, but i procured a rip of their first album on vinyl and damn if it doesn't sound so warm and open. compared the digital it's so much more listenable and inviting. this makes me crazy b/c now i think i'm missing out on all these bands that i might be able to get into if i got the vinyl (and the player etc.) fwiw-i love the production on the early MMJ albums.
  17. damn that's good. i'm thinking this decade might be pretty good if these dudes are putting out records. just plain good song writing.
  18. this is way better than Monsters of Folk. it's also and nice way to get into the deertick dude.
  19. that is an awesome music news site! i've never heard of it. everything paste should have been. craig
  20. maybe chicago fans are smarter and spend money on solid sound:)
  21. sorry. i'm dumb. didn't catch that word anyway, may all concert-goers get cheap tickets!!
  22. i'm totally with you. i dig all that 70s singer/songwriter stuff too. was actually listening to jackson browne earlier today. yeah, the dawes album has a certain warm, validating feel. every note seems intentional...at least on the first song. looking forward to it and seeing them live at some point.
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