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Vacant Horizon

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Everything posted by Vacant Horizon

  1. i'll just stick with youtube. i don't torrent anymore.
  2. right. who knows. just when you think he's done it all, he finds something new to do. wonder what's next for him? i'd love to see a crazy horse album or an acoustic album.
  3. i'd rather hear these dudes play dead any day than furthur. neal and chris's guitar interplay is so great!
  4. i hope and think they have one last go at it. a jammed out album and maybe a few small tours. neil probably assumes he'll be doing this till he dies, but i'm not sure about the horse. as individuals they may not be around too much longer. who knows.
  5. Remember all recorded music is a pale excuse for live music anyway.-Peter Frampton, Grateful Dead (Then again some live music is only a pale excuse for a really fine recordings...)-Beatles
  6. is this show only on torrent sites? i'd love to hear it. i love neal's tone and i like jammy stuff in the middle of good songs, so this hits the bill. been revisiting the first earth mud album and it's a grower. some good stuff on there. i was never a huge fan of the crowes with the screaming stuff. ironically, their best albums do nothing for me
  7. jody is so cool. mastering looks like a tedious job. i could really get into that.
  8. god dammit! somethings never change.
  9. i was kind of being sarcastic, but kind of not. i just never feel cool enough in a record store. there was one great store here in atlanta that closed a few years ago and the dude was so great and loved seeing my kids. i bought everything i wanted from that dude and then some. RIP Ella Guru Records. i did used to work at a record store in the early 90s in dayton ohio. now, if you didn't like the pixies or GBV, you were not cool. i obviously wasn't because i would play grateful dead, phish, and pink floyd all day. my coworkers were pleasant but that's about it. looking back and at the
  10. oh she is awesome live. perfect voice. never off pitch. she's probably in my top five favorite artists of all time.
  11. i liked lala b/c i could go online and really research an album or artist before buying. i could listen to the whole damn album! so great. all this digital business is such a mess. some stuff is on the cloud, some stuff isn't, some stuff is only on itunes, some stuff isn't, some stuff used to only be available on cd, now it's out of print. what a nightmare. it seems like we had finally gotten lots smaller bands from the last 40 years out on CD only for the CD to die(?) and be out of print. i for one can't handle subscriptions or streaming. too many choices is overwhelming for me.
  12. is record store day the day when clerks are a little less jerky and actually say something to customers?
  13. havent there already been cloud lockers for music? i really miss lala. i bet that really cut down on downloading.
  14. http://www.gillianwelch.com/splash/ gillian welch has a new website under construction. tweets are rumoring a new album! been too long.
  15. i only paid $40 for my rush ticket. i did sit on the lawn though.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-u23-HmA00 don't know what the title is, but i love this mid-tempo mellow shit with fender rhodes.
  17. i'm with you on this. that Light Suite tune seems interesting. he's doing some dead too. gonna check youtube for some vids. also cool he is doing appaloosa. my favorite tune on before the frost.
  18. this is a quote that may end up as someone's signature. hilarious!
  19. next time go to the venue and get a $20 ticket outside. did this for CSNY and Petty twice. went inside and sat where ever i wanted, basically. have also done this with springsteen several times. usually works well with big arenas.
  20. it's probably safe to assume that he could live off 'Heart of Gold' for the rest of his life and be just fine. i'm reminded of Randy Meisner of the Eagles who lives off Take it To the Limit (which he only has a cowrite) and does really well.
  21. i still think the prices are ridiculous, but neil does do a lot with his money. he's responsible for the livelihood of lots of people. there are folks on that ranch that work for him that he's never seen.
  22. i'm with you on all of this. i'd say neil is a legend, but unlike seeing dylan, just to see the guy play like crap, when you see neil, you see neil just emit his neil youngness. the scalper issue is good point i hadn't thought about.
  23. there are folks out there who think neil can do no wrong. just read thrasher's wheat. i'm a huge fan, but i can't pay those prices. i also can't travel for shows anymore. it's got to be low price and low hassle. i did get to see the first leg of this tour and it was awesome, but not worth the money i spent. my other favorite bands seem to be able to keep prices at a sane level, wilco, dbt, rush. why not neil. he's ruthless.
  24. right, those tunes do seem to fit. i guess my point was just that they have so much material i'm amazed that they have room in their minds for covers . but, you're right, sometimes just the right cover can fit on an album. it's fun to discuss how albums cold be better with song choices and order. at the end of the day, i usually end up siding with the artist. btw-thanks for the link to that tribute album. need to check that out.
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