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Everything posted by Calexico

  1. Excellent.IRememberDBoon is more hated than me...keep it up!!
  2. That was funny albeit unhelpful. Thanks though!
  3. What the hell is going on here!? Explain !
  4. Bush:I'll give you Cheney's job , if you go girl on girl with Ann Coulter while I watch.
  5. It was a role playing thing....never mind.....nothing to see here!
  6. Great to see the love for John Martyn here and the Weller fans. That doc the other night was great. I even love his Style Council stuff. I was 14 in 1978 and bought When Your Young on 45...remember those? NP: I just love the country vibe of this album.
  7. He needs one tie to bind her tits and another one to hang himself off the bedroom door for jerking off. Ya know...like Michael Hutchence.
  8. This is what has happened with me. I couldn't take them at all as a younger guy but now I just get it. Damndest thing. Nice to see teh lurve here though.
  9. Nice one. Looking forward to this even though it's only a couple of songs.
  10. I don't have that one. I had to give them a break here after playing them all morning. Looking forward to getting to know the albums a bit better though.
  11. He won't look half as good though..
  12. Anyone here into Ferry and his boys? Early/late Roxy? Can't stand them? I have been given a complete discography of their albums by a friend who was moving overseas. Pretty good listening. I had never really delved into their albums as such, knowing them as a singles band really.
  13. Now you are just being obtuse.
  14. I must say this is growing on me a lot. I really like it. Thank fuck too cos I would have been distraught if it was shite. PT and me share a birthday which is obviously mystical and stuff.
  15. Bring a nice little reference to Crisis on Infinite Earths to it.
  16. I am the same and I just know I won't listen to them after a few days or so. Resist the temptation of goth!!
  17. I suppose not but they are aimed at them primarily. A decent Flash movie would be good too.
  18. That's the way to do it but unfortunately studios got to cater to the kids. So no go I reckon.
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